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How To Design A Working Place That Will Help Employees Feel Relaxed And Be Productive |

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How To Design A Working Place That Will Help Employees Feel Relaxed And Be Productive




 September 29, 2021


When it comes to the benefits of feeling relaxed, most people will stress the importance of getting enough sleep, eating proper meals, and exercising. However, there's another aspect that is just as important when it comes to feeling relaxed, and that's your work environment. Designing a working place that can help employees relax is crucial in order to increase productivity.

1. Incorporate Natural Elements

The easiest way to incorporate nature into your work environment is through greenery. Replacing the drab walls of your cubicles with an accent wall that has leafy wallpaper or paint can instantly relax you.

You can also think outside the box and use natural elements in different ways. When designing Moneybarn, the team working on the project used a moss feature wall in order to give the space an outdoorsy feel. Using materials like wood, rocks, natural metals, and even stone can give your work environment a unique look that can promote relaxation.

The reason why natural elements promote relaxation is that they're calming. These materials represent harmony, peace, and serenity which are all emotions that will help employees relax at work.

2. Create A Lounge Area

Most people associate the term ‘lounge' with a place where you can mope around, and binge watch TV shows for hours on end. However, when it comes to incorporating a lounge area into your work environment, this is far from the truth.

A lounge area can be a great way to give employees a place where they can take a break, without taking too much time away from their schedule. The idea is simple: create a separate space within your office that's designed for employees to go relax and chill out. The best way to do this is by placing chairs, couches, and small tables all throughout the area with energizing décors like plants and light-colored walls.

Having a lounge area within your work environment can encourage employees to relax and de-stress, but it will also make it easier for them to focus afterward. It's just like the saying – a break gives you the boost to work harder.

3. Choose Uplifting Colors

Colors are incredibly important when it comes to designing a workplace because they have the power to influence emotions. For example, dark colors like black, grey, and brown are known to cause stress while lighter tones like white, beige, and yellow will help decrease anxiety levels.

A color palette typically consists of three colors – the dominant color, the neutral color, and the accent color. A dominant color is the one that will appear in large quantities throughout your work environment, like your walls and furniture for example. A neutral color is the one that will appear in small quantities, such as your paint's undertones or tiles on the floor. The accent color, also known as an accent hue, will be used sparingly to create a nice contrast against your dominant and neutral colors.

Keep in mind the tone that these colors create, as well. For example, you want your dominant color to be something that will breathe life into the space, so choosing an electric blue or green is an excellent option. A neutral color should be calming and serene like a soft white or grey.

4. Install Quality Lighting

One of the worst things that you can do when it comes to designing a workplace is to skimp on lighting. This will make your office space feel like a dungeon and cause employees to be stressed out without even realizing it.

There are two types of lighting: natural and artificial. Natural lighting is an excellent way to help relax your employees because it mimics the sun. If you're working in a big enough office, try having large windows that will allow for natural sunlight to enter your space. However, if this isn't an option you can always choose artificial lighting instead. The best type is known as full-spectrum and it mimics natural light.

Another alternative is to have multiple lighting sources that employees can use whenever they need to. For example, you could install floor lamps and light fixtures in strategic locations all throughout your office and give each employee a desk lamp as well.

5. Keep It Practical

It's easy to go overboard when designing your work environment because there are countless options available. However, you should avoid focusing too much on decorative items that don't serve a purpose or end up costing you money. A painting here and there can look beautiful in an office, but a gallery wall with an excessive amount of art will only distract your employees and be a waste of money. Instead, focus on creating functional designs that add to the overall appeal of your office space.

It has been said that we're all products of our environment. Try to channel that into something positive by designing a work environment that will help your employees stay relaxed and productive. The key is to keep it practical while also keeping the décor light, airy, uplifting, and colorful. Since designing and decorating a large space isn't an easy job, consider hiring a professional for assistance.
