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:- Python Python framework core Python

Python is one of the most demanded programming languages in the IT industry today. According to a StackOverflow survey, Python is the most preferred language. It is super easy to get started with and therefore more and more people are switching to it. It is widely used in data science, machine learning, deep learning, etc. Not only this, but it is also used for backend, system administration, automating scripts, network programming, scraping, web development, and the list is endless. Python is probably everywhere and a recent survey from JetBrains states that 85% of the python developers use it as their main language as opposed to 15% who use it as a secondary language. It is such a powerful language and more and more developers that have proficiency in Python are being hired with high pay packages.

There are a lot of skills that python developers need to be fluent with as they come in handy during interviews, work, or even while learning new skills on top of python. In this article, we will look at the top skills that you, like a python developer, should possess.

1. Excellent Debugging Skills

Python is a beginner-friendly language and is said to be easy to start with. But there are a lot of scenarios where you expect to get a different output or result rather than the one you have got. Some of these cases can be when working with range() function (which results in off-by-one error), failing to close a file, division by a negative number (often resulting in an undesired number that rounds towards the negative part of the number line), etc. This makes the skill of debugging important to have. Some ways to debug are by simply printing out variables values, altering the path of the program, stopping execution of certain 

events, and using a debugger. 

2. Knowledge of Frameworks

Web frameworks in Python like FlaskDjango, Bottle have been popular since their initial days and have grown to a great extent in recent years. More and more web developers are now switching to these frameworks due to the sophisticated nature, ease and pace of build, security, and Scalability these frameworks offer. Other popular python frameworks include web2py, Falcon, Dash, CherryPy, etc.
