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Five Ways to Use the Latest Technologies to Create Innovative Experiences - Mike Gingerich

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Five Ways to Use the Latest Technologies to Create Innovative Experiences



Technological innovations have consistently revolutionized various industries and processes, such as manufacturing, retail, and marketing to name a few. In manufacturing, processes are now automated and seamless, making it possible for companies to produce immense quantities of their products within a short span of time. In terms of retail and marketing, the latest technologies are used to create innovative experiences to appeal to the susceptive parts of the consumers in an attempt to attract their attention and keep them engaged.

1. Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is used in a more targeted marketing strategy. In this method, the data gathered from marketing research are utilized to guarantee that the right advertisements are shown to the proper people within the perfect timing. According to the experts behind Creative Realities, or CRI, digital content experiences speak directly to the audiences by demonstrating purpose and relevance. This is achieved by using the data gathered through marketing research in programmatic advertising. Hence, an innovative experience is delivered to the target market of the business because of the relevance of the content they uncovered.

2. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality, or VR, is used to engage and immerse users in order to create a unique, but ultimate customer experience. VR provides a new experience for the customer because they get to touch and feel the products, even in a virtual environment that can be very different from the real world. For instance, in an aim to advertise a donation for charity, VR technology can take people to a specific location where there is a scarcity of water and be able to acquire potable water for use, they need to fetch it from wells. This firsthand experience can convince people that it is only fitting for them to donate to that cause because they now have a good insight into the difficulties brought about by the lack of water sources. Thereby, an innovative experience is provided to potential customers by walking through a virtual environment.

3. Internet of Things

Internet of things, or IoT, allows businesses to reach a wider range of audiences through multiple connections. With IoT technology, consumers have the capability to access information on multiple platforms, which catapulted the growth of new types of products and services. For instance, real-world hardware that is embedded on the internet can be utilized by users to directly upload content into their social media accounts. In parallel, the business behind the hardware can use the same technology to upload their promotional campaign directly to various digital platforms. As such, an innovative experience is provided to both the brand and its market through the direct link between the real world and the digital world.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, paves the way for businesses and brands to design a campaign that encourages interaction and learning. Over the years, AI has greatly enhanced customer self-service, as well as the customization of customer support according to the consumer’s individual needs. For instance, a robot concierge is now common among hotels wherein the needs of the customers are much more understood the more they interact with the robot concierge. There is still great potential in AI that needs to be explored in order for a brand to be able to deliver superb customer service.

5. Chatbots

Finally, chatbots are now widely used to ensure an immediate response to customer queries any time of the day, any day of the week. The technology behind these chatbots is algorithms that incorporate machine learning, wherein the responses are greatly based on the previous conversations that the chatbot conducted. This is greatly beneficial to deliver routine responses promptly to common customer queries.


Final Word

In this modern-day and age, it seems like there is no longer an industry that doesn’t leverage modern technology. This is because the benefits of technological innovations greatly outweigh its drawbacks. VR, AI, IoT are only some of the advancements in modern technology that brought about numerous conveniences in the day-to-day lives of humankind, paving the way for innovative experiences.
