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Exporting: Easier Than You Think

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Less than one percent of America’s 30 million companies export – a percentage that is significantly lower than all other developed countries, according to the U.S. Commercial Service.  And of U.S. companies that do export, 58 percent export to only one country. Many businesses can benefit greatly from learning more about these global opportunities and the many resources that are available to help. Exporting has become easier than ever, and it’s easier than you think!


According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses and manufacturers have generated the majority of net new jobs in the U.S. over the past decade. Helping these manufacturers and businesses grow by exporting, and selling globally, has become more vital for our U.S. economy than at any time in history!

Many business leaders are so inundated by running their day-to-day operations that they don’t care to consider their export potential. This mindset leads them to leave millions of dollars on the table. Many leaders think exporting would be too burdensome, and they are not aware of how easy exporting has become. Truth is, exporting is now easier than it has ever been, and there are a huge multitude of free export counseling and finance services offered by the U.S. Government, to help make exporting even easier.

According to the International Trade Administration, every year the U.S. Commercial Service helps thousands of U.S. companies navigate the waters of exporting goods and services.  Located in 108 cities across the United States and U.S. Embassies and Consulates in more than 70 countries, its global network of trade professionals opens doors that no one else can.

There are over 20 U.S. government agencies that help businesses export. In addition to that, every state in the U.S. has multiple government agencies that are teaming with highly-experienced, multilingual, well-traveled people who are there to provide free guidance to businesses that are interested in exporting.

If you think successful exporting requires that your business have an office or employees out of country, or an export broker, think again. According to the Small Business Exporting Survey 2016 conducted by the Small Business Exporters Association of the United States, only 2% of small exporters surveyed have operating facilities outside the U.S, and only 5% have employees outside the U.S.

Thanks to all of the people and agencies who stand ready to help you, and thanks to the Internet, exporting is indeed easier than it has ever been – its easier than you think.

Exporting can seem like a daunting prospect but it can be incredibly rewarding and profitable.  Do ask Net Site Marketing to start you in the right direction on the road to exporting. We have many services (free and paid) that can help you begin to export, or if you’re already exporting, we can help you expand your reach into additional markets worldwide.
