Exploratory Research - Steps, Types, Methods, Characteristics and Advantages (Marketing video 312)

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Exploratory Research refers to the research that is used for investigating an undefined problem. Exploratory Research helps in a better understanding of the issue although the result is not considered conclusive. Example 1. A coffee shop owner taking help of Exploratory Research before introducing more varieties in his outlet. Types and Methodologies of Exploratory Research 1. Primary Research Methods Information is gathered directly from the subject through survey, polls, interviews, focus groups, and observation. 2. Secondary Research Methods Information is gathered from previously published research from sources like books, newspapers, magazines, and case studies. Current sources are online research, literature research and case studies. Steps to Conduct Exploratory Research 1. Identifies the subject of research so that the problem can be recognized. 2. Creating the hypothesis by the researcher based on questions obtained in the initial stage. 3. Research further through descriptive investigation. Characteristics of Exploratory Research 1. Recognizes the problem and the motive of the study. 2. Existing work is not conclusive. 3. All the available data has to be sorted and studied by the researcher. 4. Rules are adaptable and do not often apply during the research. 5. It is necessary to have certain theories to back up the findings. 6. Experiments and surveys generalize the data for a wider sample. Advantages of Exploratory Research - Flexibility and adaptability in research helps it to move forward. - Economical. - Encourages further research. - Other researchers can find viable courses through this research. Disadvantages of Exploratory Research - Non-conclusive results. - Provides qualitative data whose interpretation is partial. - An accurate result is not possible as the data is subjected to a compact population. - The data which is gathered is old and often not applicable. This video is on Exploratory research and it has the following sub-topics. Time Stamps 0:00 Introduction 00:21 Definition of Exploratory Research 01:04 Example of Exploratory Research 01:39 Types and Methodologies of Exploratory research 03:57 Steps to conduct Exploratory research 04:35 Characteristics of Exploratory research 05:21 Advantages of Exploratory research 05:50 Disadvantages of Exploratory research
