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Everything You Need to Know About Cloud Computing - Mike Gingerich

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:- Cloud Computing

Everything You Need to Know About Cloud Computing



If you are in business or are at all interested in technology, then you have likely heard the term cloud computing. Essentially, this eliminates the need for physical hardware, as it delivers computing services through the internet. Before outlining the many distinct benefits this solution offers, it is first necessary to outline what cloud computing actually is and how it works.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a hosted service that delivers over the internet. The services that you can access include, servers, databases, software, networks, analytics, storage, and other functions.

There are three main categories of cloud computing services. They are:

  • Software-as-a-Service

Otherwise known as SaaS, this is the most popular solution. Software-as-a-Service provides cloud computing services over an application or web browser.

  • Platform-as-a-Service

This is a solution that supports websites and applications and their development.

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service

IaaS provides the user with infrastructure that includes data storage solutions, servers and hardware. This type of cloud solution eliminates the need for large, physical onsite infrastructure.

How Does Cloud Computing Work?

The first thing to clarify when explaining how cloud computing works, is what the cloud actually is. The cloud is a term that is used to describe servers that are accessed over the internet and the databases and software that run on these servers. The servers that power the cloud can be located in data centers anywhere in the world.

Instead of having to own physical computing infrastructure or data centers, businesses can essentially rent space on the cloud. Furthermore, since there is likely much more support for the servers and data centers on the cloud, it is a reliable infrastructure solution.

What Are the Advantages of Using Cloud Computing?

As 24x7 IT Solutions explains, there is a wide range of benefits for both individuals and businesses when using a cloud computing solution. The list below outlines just a few reasons why it is so valuable.

  1. Increased Flexibility

The way that people are working is changing, with more people traveling for work and an increasing number of people working remotely, and the cloud model supports this. This allows parties with authorization to access the information they need from any location. And, it allows for a greater deal of flexibility in working location and helps to increase workplace efficiency. Since you no longer have to wait for a document to be sent via email, you can access it directly on the cloud.

  1. Reduced Costs

Using a cloud solution helps you to save money that would otherwise be spent on the purchasing and upkeep of costly hardware. You will no longer have to purchase expensive equipment or pay for its upkeep as everything is remotely available.

  1. Scalability

When you purchase hardware you are committing, and expect that this piece of equipment will be used for a certain amount of time for your investment to be worthwhile. Life is not always this clear-cut, especially when it comes to business - things can evolve very quickly. Cloud computing is, by nature a flexible solution. Businesses can update their subscription packages to meet their ever-evolving needs. This means that you will no longer face technology limitations.

  1. Disaster Recovery

Using a cloud solution helps businesses to mitigate the effects of data loss. When there is a breakdown on a physical hard drive, unless you regularly backup your data, you will likely never be able to retrieve it. However, this is not the case here. The security and disaster recovery precautions help businesses to feel secure in their cloud solutions.
