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Does My Small Business Need An Accountant? - Mike Gingerich

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Does My Small Business Need An Accountant?



The question of whether or not you need an accountant is a complicated one. It's important to remember that accountants are experts in tax law. So they can help make sure that your business complies with the law. But do you need them? Let's go over some of the things to consider when deciding if you need an accountant for your small business.

What Is An Accountant?

An accountant is a professional who can help you with bookkeeping and taxes. To be an accountant, they must have at least 120 credits of undergraduate coursework or 150 postgraduate hours in accounting. So when it comes down to deciding if your small business needs one, it's always essential to consider the benefits that come from hiring one for your venture.

Benefits Of Hiring An Accountant:

  • Guidance

Accountants are experts in tax law, so they know how best to set up your finances. They'll also ensure everything runs legally (and save you money on fines). Accounting firms also offer the best guidance for small businesses to succeed and leverage their game.

With the right people to handle your finances like a reliable and well-versed accounting firm near you, that has positive social proofs and testimonials from previous clients, you may even think, "is this CPA near me worth hiring and will it really benefit and guide me to success?" This single step may be the only step you'll need to nurture your business through the best guidance.

  • Efficiency

Accountants are experts at organizing and can help streamline your business. They'll make sure all of the numbers work together. This will ensure your expenses, assets, liabilities, revenue, and income all add up accurately. This will result in a more streamlined operation for maximum efficiency (and savings).

  • Growth Potential

By hiring an accountant, you’ll have someone on standby who's ready to answer any questions when it comes down to setting growth strategies. Or if you need general inquiries about what may be best for their company moving forward from where you are now. Their expertise could mean the difference between success or failure for your small business if done correctly. Therefore, don't go into this blindly.

  • Tax Preparation Services

Depending on what kind of professional tax service you need, it may be worth looking into hiring one as well. If you're filing your taxes, this might not be for you.

  • Accountant Services - if you can't do the accounting work yourself or don't have time to, an accountant is a great help. They will ensure that your company stays on top of its finances.
  • Bookkeeping Services - these are essential services that take care of all the back-end bookkeeping tasks so that business owners don’t need to worry about them.
  • Financial Advisor Service – sometimes it helps to go through a financial advisor who has experience with small businesses to make sure they give sound advice.
  • Payroll Services – some payroll companies provide just what their name implies. Managing paychecks for employees.
  • Banking Support – things like merchant accounts and credit card processing can be outsourced to a banking support company not to worry about them.
  • Accountant-Provided Tax Services – these are companies that specialize in tax preparation for small business owners. They also offer help with forms and managing filings.

Why Does Your Startup Business Need One?

One of the most influential people in your business is an accountant. If you listen to many entrepreneurs, they will tell you that their most valuable asset as a small business owner is time and not money. This is because there are many things to do, mainly when they have limited capital and resources.

As such, hiring an accounting firm may seem like a luxury. Or, even something reserved for more prominent companies with more staff than yours has. However, it’s necessary if you want any hope at all of succeeding.

Here are three good reasons why:

  • Help

Accountants can help new startups set up essential financial records from inception onward. This includes setting up books (ledgers), tracking income/expenses on paper receipts (not just on paperless receipts), and maintaining monthly financial statements.

  • Advice

Accountants can provide advice through consultations on how they may save money for their business. This could be by following IRS guidelines, cutting down paperwork deadlines, etc. Accountants act like one person’s personal assistant when it comes to financing. This is invaluable because many small businesses have limited staff but high demands.

  • Understands the rules and regulations

Plus, accountants will always know the latest rules/regulations from the government. It's their job to keep an eye out for things that might need attention throughout all aspects of your company's financials.

Accountants are very helpful in many aspects of a business. They can be used for tasks such as tax planning or payroll-related activities that require higher levels of expertise than your startup may have available on staff. From the local library, it is always wise to consult with an accountant before making any significant decisions about what they should do for your company’s finances.

For example, accountants know how to calculate taxes that need to be paid throughout the year. This will save time and money when filing them at the end. Especially if they already have all the required information thanks to their constant communication with other parts of your business. For example, production departments, who make things happen every day. Those employees would not know where to start otherwise.

Final Words

Small businesses may not have the time or resources to do all these things themselves. This is why accountants are so important. They make sure that your company's finances are healthy and growing by providing expert advice on what you can do better and which decisions need to be made now for everything else to run smoothly throughout the year.

To get your tax and accountancy affairs in order, speak to a tax preparation specialist like Marine Accounts for help. They help create a system using different tools, making financials more manageable while keeping everyone up-to-date with accurate information about their business’ health.

