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Display a Chart Title - MS-Excel Tutorial

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:- MS Excel

isplay a Chart Title

  1. Click anywhere on the chart you want to modify.
  2. Click Chart Tools Layout> Labels> Chart Title. A list of options appears:

    The default choice; it means you don't want to display a title. Also use this option to remove a chart title you don't want.

    Centered Overlay Title:
    Centers the title over the chart but retains the existing size of the chart.

    Above Chart:
    Centers the title over the chart but adds room at the top so the title doesn't interfere with the chart itself.
  3. Make a selection. A box with the words Chart Title appears on the chart.

  4. Double-click the Chart Title and drag across the words Chart Title. The words become highlighted.
  5. Type the desired title. The text you type replaces the words Chart Title.
  6. Click anywhere outside of the chart title to deselect it.
  7. Optionally, choose Chart Tools Layout> Labels> Chart Title, More Title Options. The Format Chart Title dialog box appears.
  8. Select Fill and then choose any desired background options for the chart title. Excel's Live Preview feature lets you view various options without first selecting them.
  9. Select Line, Line Style, and other title options, including color, shadows, 3-D formatting, and much more.
  10. Click ok.

You can't apply 3-D formatting or select a shadow if your title does not have a border line around it.



Customize the Chart Legend

  1. Click anywhere on the chart you want to modify.
  2. Click Chart Tools Layout> Labels> Legend.
  3. Select a placement for the legend or click None to turn off the chart legend.
  4. Click Chart Tools Layout> Labels> Legend> More Legend Options.
  5. The More Legend Options box offers the same type of formatting options as the Chart Title. Choose any desired options.
    Click ok.
