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Digital Marketing Certification Online | Digital Marketing Institute

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Are you ready to take your digital marketing skills in a new and exciting direction? Do you have the knowledge of search engine results pages (SERP) to bring a company’s web page to the top of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing? Perhaps a career in search engine marketing is right for you.

There has never been a better time to make the transition—as more businesses than ever are coming to the realization that in order to stay competitive they have to manage their online presence and not only optimize their search engine rankings, but use them to market their business.

In today's world people are seeking out information, and if you know how to get what they need in front of them when they are looking for it, that is a very special and potentially lucrative skill.

What is SEM?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) refers to the practice of using search engines (like Google, Yahoo, or Bing) for marketing and advertising a business using the business's website. This is done both by organic traffic (SEO) and paid traffic results (PPC).

What is Search Engine Ranking?

Search engine ranking refers to the order each site appears in the results of a search made on a search engine like Google. Each page of results usually displays about 10 websites, the closer to the top number one position, the better—as people tend to gravitate toward the top of the rankings.

There is a multitude of factors that feed into the algorithms that determine these rankings, some within an SEM specialists control and some not as much. The SEM specialist’s role is to know what they can control and use that knowledge to put their clients at the top.

