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Difference between AES and DES ciphers - GeeksforGeeks

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Difference between AES and DES ciphers

  • Difficulty Level : Easy
  • Last Updated : 08 Jun, 2021

AES and DES are both examples of symmetric block ciphers but have certain dissimilarities. 



AESDESAES stands for Advanced Encryption StandardDES stands for Data Encryption StandardThe date of creation is 1999.The date of creation is 1976.Byte-Oriented.Bit-Oriented.Key length can be 128-bits, 192-bits, and 256-bits.The key length is 56 bits in DES.Number of rounds depends on key length: 10(128-bits), 12(192-bits), or 14(256-bits)DES involves 16 rounds of identical operationsThe structure is based on a substitution-permutation network.The structure is based on a Feistel network.The design rationale for AES is open.The design rationale for DES is closed.The selection process for this is secret but accepted open public comment.The selection process for this is secret.AES is more secure than the DES cipher and is the de facto world standard.DES can be broken easily as it has known vulnerabilities. 3DES(Triple DES) is a variation of DES which is secure than the usual DES.The rounds in AES are: Byte Substitution, Shift Row, Mix Column and Key AdditionThe rounds in DES are: Expansion, XOR operation with round key, Substitution and PermutationAES can encrypt 128 bits of plaintext.DES can encrypt 64 bits of plaintext.AES cipher is derived from an aside-channel square cipher.DES cipher is derived from Lucifer cipher.AES was designed by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen.DES was designed by IBM.No known crypt-analytical attacks against AES but side channel attacks against AES implementations possible. Biclique attacks have better complexity than brute force but still ineffective.Known attacks against DES include Brute-force, Linear crypt-analysis, and Differential crypt-analysis.

