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Creating MySQL Database - RapidMiner Documentation

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:- Databases Databases MySQL

Example: Creating a MySQL Database Schema

The following instructions provide a sample that illustrates how to create a simple, open-source database server for use by the RapidMiner service. This example creates a MySQL database, but any common database platform is allowed.

The example uses the following credentials:

FieldExample ValueUserrmUserPasswordpswdDatabase schema namerapidminer_server

Follow the instructions to create a database using a GUI, such as MySQL Workbench, or using the CLI.

Using a GUI

Use these instructions to create a database using MySQL Workbench.

  1. If you do not already have the software, download MySQL and install the product.

  2. Open the MySQL Workbench as an administrator (Right-click, Run as Admin).

  3. Click on File>Create Schema to create the database schema.

  4. Enter a name for the schema and click Apply.

  5. In the Apply SQL Script to Database window, click Apply to run the SQL command that creates the schema.

  6. Click Finish. You can see the new schema, which has no tables, listed in the left pane.

  7. From the Server menu, select Users and Privileges to add a user account. Complete the screen with the credentials listed above.

  8. From the Server menu, select Options File and click the Networking tab. Find the max_allowed_packet entry (should be at the top) and change it to at least 256M. Click Apply... and in the new dialog that appears again Apply. See the official MySQL documentation here for details.

    • If you get the error Could not save configuration file, you did not run the MySQL Workbench as an administrator. Restart it as an administrator and try again.
  9. Finally, to apply this change you need to restart the database. From the Server menu, select Startup/Shutdown and click Stop Server, followed by Start Server.

You now have finished preparing the RapidMiner Server database.

Using the command line

If you do not have a GUI SQL editor available, for example when installing RapidMiner Server on a Linux machine, use the following instructions.

  1. If you do not already have the software, download MySQL and install the product.

  2. Change the max_allowed_packet variable to at least 256M to allow storing larger models in the repository. See the official MySQL documentation here for details.

  3. From the command line, create the database:

    create database rapidminer_server;

  4. Execute the following query to create a new user and grant privileges to the database rapidminer_server:

    grant all privileges on rapidminer_server.* to rmUser@localhost identified by 'pswd';

With privileges granted, you have finished creating the RapidMiner Server database. Record the username, password, and schema name and return to the installation instructions to complete the RapidMiner Server installation.
