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Beginners Guide to Social Media Influencers and Influencer Marketing

Hitesh Bhasin
marketing 91
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:- Social Media Marketing

Beginners Guide to Social Media Influencers


If you are curious enough to know about influencer marketing then you are definitely in the right place. Here you will find about all the relevant things that are related to the Social Media Influencer Marketing.

We will let you know how to choose a social media influencer, what the benefits of using an influencer are. In the process, many important questions have to be taken into consideration before you even think to participate in influencer marketing. So, let us start the process by understanding the meaning of Social Media Influencer –


Table of Contents

What Do We Mean By A Social Media Influencer?

An influencer is generally an individual that has the power to affect the decisions of the purchase of other individuals due to the authority, position knowledge or the relationship with his or her huge audience base.

It can be also be said as the individual who has a following of a particular position in which they are engaged with very actively. The size of the followers depends on the position of the individual. It is important to keep in mind that these individuals are not any kind of marketing tools but a social relationship asset that the brands can collaborate with.

Talking about the social media influencers, we have seen that social media has grown a lot over this decade. According to the statistics done in the on August 2017, around 40% of the population of the world uses social media actively. The most important part is that all of these users look up to the influencers that are in the social media to guide them with the decision the users make. The social media influencers are those people who have made a name for themselves due to their expertise and knowledge in certain topics.

Such type of influencers keep on making regular posts about the topic they are experts in and post those topics on their social media channel. These help those in generating a large number of enthusiasts who like to pay close attention to their posts.

Different Categories of Social Media Influencer


When we talk about the types of influencers, there are of many types but the majority of them fit in the category of

  • Celebrities
  • Industry experts and thought leaders
  • Bloggers and content creators
  • Micro Influencers

How to Choose an Influencer?

Though there are many apparent advantages, influencer marketing would be a total waste of money if you are working with the wrong ones and getting no results at all.

It might be a little bit tempting to use single metric definitions like Twitter followers or unique visitors, but when it comes to influencers, it is important that one should look more deeply. Here are five things that tell about how to choose the best social media influencer for your brand.

1) Relevance

Before you start to look at all the static metrics and unique visitors, it is quite essential to check that how aligned is a blogger’s content with your messaging. You have to read all the archived posts of the bloggers to get some sense about what kind of consumer they are.

Choosing influencers from your business niche or opting for industry leaders is the best way of finding a Social Media Influencer who is relevant to your industry. With a relevant influencer, you get the audience base of the most relevant audiences who are looking to get more and more information about the products and services that you offer.

2) Engagement

This is one of the main keys that tells about how interactive the audience of the blogger is with his content. Do the reader of this blogger comment, share and respond? What is the percentage of reader that is returning vs. new?

How much the readers are engaging themselves with the publisher. And how often do they indicate that the post is a meaningful one? These are some of the factors that you should look for; they will let you know how impactful the influencer is in driving some actions from their followers.

3) Reach

Reach might not be one of those important metrics to choose a perfect influencer but is certainly taken into consideration many times. However, it is important to keep in mind that the marketers should stop the trend to look at the unique visitors for measuring the reach.

Followers and traffic are useful till the influencer is successful in reaching the target audience of the brand. It is also important to keep in mind about what the other social media platforms are that your customer is visiting. This way, you can find the influencers who have the widest and powerful penetrations in your target niche. If you are a huge fashion fan, someone with a huge number of following on Instagram or Pinterest will be more valuable than someone on Facebook with a huge fan base.

4) Frequency

In many instances, it can be said that that there is a direct relation between the rate of content posted by the blogger and the traffic and rate of return of the visitors. Just like marketing any kind of website, it takes few exposures to attract a visitor to click and check out your site.

You will also want to make sure that they are coming back. This is likely to happen when a publisher has been posting high-quality content on a regular basis then the readers are sure to return, share and bookmark. Frequent engagements from followers make influencers more impactful in influencing them to some favorable actions.

So, if you follow aforestated tips, you will be able to find the most impactful influencer for your brand. And trust me, now you are going to enjoy lots of amazing benefits. So, let us understand some of the benefits that your social media influencer is going to offer you-

Benefits of Using a Social Media Influencer

We all know that social media is the key element in online marketing and social media influencer helps in making that job a little bit easier. Just like that, there are many benefits of using a social media influencer. Here are some of the benefits of using a social media influencer for your business.

1) Increased Brand Awareness

Social media is one of the most cost-effective ways that helps in increasing your brand awareness on the web. Now by working with an influencer, you get the ability to attach the power to social media, as you will gain access to the vast networks they have.

It might be a little bit tough to increase the recognition of brand in the starting days. However, your influencer already has gained trust over the audiences, which will help you in getting a better start. Their followers will easily trust your brand because of the promotion done by their loved stars.

2) Improved SEO Rankings

Search engine rankings are one of the most important things in the world of internet. You will get the chance to increase your ranking not only by following tested and true strategies but also by collaborating with a good influencer. In this way, you can have people blogging and talking about your product.

Influences will create buzz around your brand on the web that will also boost the performance of the keywords associated with your brand in the search engines. Optimization done on social channels will also boost your ranking in SERPs.

3) Improved Consumer Satisfaction

Influencers build their authority by engaging themselves and building relationships with their followers and network. This one on one interaction with the customers helps a lot in customer satisfaction because it helps the influencer to be more loyal.

If your products and services are genuine, followers of your influencer will share their happy experience with him or her that will ultimately ensure better customer interaction. In case of any issue that users face, they will share that with influencers, who in turn will also you about that, and hence, ultimately you can resolve that issue to satisfy that customer.

In Conclusion

So, by now it is clear to all that working with a social media influencer can be a great benefit to the company. It will help to boost your social marketing campaigning a lot.

The right use of Social Media Influencer is one of the most important Social Media Marketing Strategies that has to be implemented to get the expected results in the limited possible time.
