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Figure Out How to Get a Job by Improving Your Analytical skills

If you would describe your problem-solving skills as a weakness, it is something you’ll need to improve if you want to find jobs in the modern workplace. Organisations are now seeking candidates with analytical skills capable of solving their problems and improve productivity. Keep reading to learn more about analytical skills and discover how to improve the ones you have.

What Are Analytical Skills?

They are typically practical, problem-solving skills; a collection of traits that focus on logical methods of analysing issues, developing new ideas, and going through information. An individual with strong analytical skills is able to gather, visualise, and analyse facts in great detail. They are capable of seeing a situation or problem from a different point of view.

When you have well-developed analytical skills, you are capable of solving complicated problems and make decisions in the most effective possible manner.

List of Strong Analytical Skills

Here are five essential analytical skills if you aim to succeed in the workplace.

1. Collecting Information

You need the ability to gather the correct data required for any given situation. It is the first step in the process, and no matter how good you are at analysing information, it will do you no good if you gather faulty data. It is also imperative that you have excellent communication skills. Otherwise, how will you present the information you collected

2. Numerical Skills 

It is often the case where data will come in numerical form, so you need mathematical skills advanced enough to understand and analyse the data. It is a particularly important skill if you plan on a career in banking, engineering, IT or finance.

3. Strategic Thinking

In business, this skill involves conjuring up effective plans to solve a problem or help a client, or your company, achieve its goal. Strategic thinking involves flexibility, developing a strategic action plan, knowing what to prioritise, and above all, having a clear idea of what you intend to achieve.

 4. Attention to Detail

Detailed oriented individuals spot details hidden away from clear sight and their skills help reduce errors. Examples of attention to detail skills include active listening, time management organisation, and observation.

5. Technical Skills

Technical skills are specific knowledge and abilities required to complete certain tasks and are very different to soft skills. There are various types of technical skills including IT & computer skills, team working skills, and project management. In contrast, soft skills relate to personality traits, are interpersonal in nature, and are not as easy to teach.

When Do You Use Your Analytical Skills?

It is of course not enough to merely include the names of the analytical skills you possess; you need to outline how you have used them in the past to help previous employers. Consider the previous roles you had, and think about a time when your problem solving, data analysis or critical thinking skills came in handy.

Look through your CV and try to find a place to slide in a couple of analytical skills. It is much easier to include them in greater detail in your cover letter. Mention one or two skills and tell a short story of a time when you used it to your employer’s advantage.

Jobs Which Require Analytical Skills

You could argue that there is an advantage to having analytical skills in almost every job, but here are a few roles where these skills are a prerequisite:

Do you Know What Analytical Skills Do You Have?

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you lack analytical skills because they involve much more than simply finding solutions to problems. Consider what you bring to the table, and perhaps complete an analytical reasoning test to see if you can identify your analytical skills.

Analytical Skills for your CV

In the modern era, a significant proportion of job applications are sent online. As a result, you need to be wary of keyword inclusion. You must include the keywords that a hiring manager is looking for if you want your application to get past the initial filter. Include your list of analytical skills in your CV in a special ‘key skills’ list, and also in your cover letter. Skills to consider including are:

  • Data analysis
  • Effective research
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Creative thinking
  • Communication

How to Improve Your Analytical Skills

If you believe you are deficient in terms of possessing analytical skills, there are several ways for you to improve and climb the career ladder.

1. Ask Questions

When a human being shows curiosity in any subject, their cognitive functions, such as memory and attention, become engaged. By asking questions, you are more likely to remember the answer and improve your problem-solving skills. You may also improve your personal skills in the process.

2. Be Observant

When you start paying attention to your surroundings, especially in the workplace, you won’t believe what you see! So many people at work, and in life in general, allow the world to pass them by. Next time you go for a walk, be mindful of where you are and what you observe.

3. Find Out How Things Work

It isn’t enough to get the solution; you also need to understand how you reached a conclusion. When you do this, you develop a better knowledge of the process which is a crucial aspect of developing analytical skills.

4. Complete Puzzles

Believe it or not, completing a crossword or Sudoku puzzle daily will improve your problem-solving skills. You could also take up chess!

5. Find a Relationship Between Two Seemingly Disparate Objects

This is a great way to find hidden connections. For example, a table and a lamp seem very different, but they actually work together to improve our lives. Both improve a room’s design, and by placing the lamp on the table, you have a convenient source of light.

Why Are Analytical Skills Important?

As well as providing you with a distinct advantage in the workplace, analytical skills enable you to become a better problem solver in general; which is definitely a plus in everyday life. These skills demonstrate your ability to be an employee capable of solving problems on the job.

For example, decision-making skills allow you to research your options thoroughly, reduce them via the process of elimination, and use a logical approach to come to the ‘correct’ answer.

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