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Advertising specialists are tasked with managing and implementing advertising and marketing programs, product catalogs, external communications, and email campaigns. They coordinate and guide the creative services, media strategy, and social media management functions of the company. They are responsible for order entry, scheduling, and delivery of print, digital, and event campaigns. Additionally, they compile and submit reports to stakeholders. Also, they contribute to the daily operations and strategy of sales, client success, and advertising operations to ensure the set goals of services are met.

Employers look for candidates with a bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, or a related field with at least a year of related experience. Candidates must possess copywriting, interpersonal, communication, decision-making, time management, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. You must be proficient in Microsoft Office, Salesforce, Google Ad Manager, and AdBook+. These professionals make about $54,267 annually. Their salary ranges between $29,000 and $103,000.

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to being an advertising specialist. For example, did you know that they make an average of $24.6 an hour? That's $51,159 a year!

Between 2018 and 2028, the career is expected to grow -2% and produce -3,300 job opportunities across the U.S.

What Does an Advertising Specialist Do

There are certain skills that many advertising specialists have in order to accomplish their responsibilities. By taking a look through resumes, we were able to narrow down the most common skills for a person in this position. We discovered that a lot of resumes listed initiative, organizational skills and self-confidence.

When it comes to the most important skills required to be an advertising specialist, we found that a lot of resumes listed 22.6% of advertising specialists included analytics, while 8.4% of resumes included facebook, and 5.5% of resumes included seo. Hard skills like these are helpful to have when it comes to performing essential job responsibilities.

When it comes to searching for a job, many search for a key term or phrase. Instead, it might be more helpful to search by industry, as you might be missing jobs that you never thought about in industries that you didn't even think offered positions related to the advertising specialist job title. But what industry to start with? Most advertising specialists actually find jobs in the media and retail industries.

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How To Become an Advertising Specialist

If you're interested in becoming an advertising specialist, one of the first things to consider is how much education you need. We've determined that 65.9% of advertising specialists have a bachelor's degree. In terms of higher education levels, we found that 5.5% of advertising specialists have master's degrees. Even though most advertising specialists have a college degree, it's possible to become one with only a high school degree or GED.

Choosing the right major is always an important step when researching how to become an advertising specialist. When we researched the most common majors for an advertising specialist, we found that they most commonly earn bachelor's degree degrees or associate degree degrees. Other degrees that we often see on advertising specialist resumes include high school diploma degrees or master's degree degrees.

You may find that experience in other jobs will help you become an advertising specialist. In fact, many advertising specialist jobs require experience in a role such as account executive. Meanwhile, many advertising specialists also have previous career experience in roles such as customer service representative or sales associate.

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