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Adding Data by Pointing - MS-Word Tutorial

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Adding Data by Pointing

When you enter data into a file, your data appears wherever the cursor appears on the screen. The cursor appears as a blinking vertical bar, which basically says, "Anything you type now will appear right here."

Because the cursor won't always magically appear exactly where you want to type data, you must move the cursor using either the mouse or the keyboard. To move the cursor using the mouse, follow these steps:

  • Move the mouse pointer where you want to move the cursor and then click the left mouse button. The cursor appears where you click the mouse pointer.

To move the cursor using the keyboard, you can use one of many cursor movement keys:

  • The (up/down/left/right) arrow keys
  • The Home/End keys
  • The Page Up/Page Down keys

Use the up/down/right/left arrow keys when you want to move the cursor a small distance.

To move the cursor faster, hold down the Ctrl key and then press the arrow keys. If you hold down the Ctrl key, the up-arrow key moves the cursor up one paragraph, the down-arrow key moves the cursor down one paragraph, the left-arrow key moves the cursor left one word, and the right-arrow key moves the cursor right one word.

Pressing the Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of a sentence, and pressing the End key moves the cursor to the end of a sentence.


Pressing the Page Up/Page Down keys moves the cursor up or down one screen at a time.

Using any of the cursor movement keys moves the cursor to a new location. Wherever the cursor appears will be where you can enter new data. Table lists ways to move the cursor in each Word 2007 program.

Key StrokeWordHomeBeginning of the LineEndEnd of the LinePage UpHalf a Page UpPage DownHalf a Page DownUp/Down ArrowUp/Down one LineLeft/Right ArrowLeft/Right one Character
