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9 tips on marketing your mobile app - Mike Gingerich

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:- Application Development Marketing

9 tips on marketing your mobile app



There were reportedly 4.41 million apps available in iOS App and Google Play Stores. Knowing this, how can you, an aspiring app owner looking to play with the big dogs, leave a lasting impression when there are literally hundreds of thousands of well-established competitors to deal with? Today, we’ll discuss nine tips on marketing your app you can try out to make your mobile app stand out and increase download figures.

1. Optimize How People Share and Refer Others to Your App

Social selling is one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. In relation to marketing your mobile app, marketers need to discovers ways to incentivize established users to call upon their friends, co-workers, family members, ex-SOs, and their mothers to use your app. For instance, companies like ibotta hand out money rewards to both referrers and referrals. Nothing is more enticing than having free spending money, even though it’s limited to just your services.

2. Enable Push Notifications

After launching your product, it’s vital that you maintain contact with your userbase whenever possible. You can do this by enabling push notifications to force a one-way communication street with your users. You’d be surprised by how positively people respond to push notifications as opposed to marketing emails. 

3. Enable a Feedback Mechanism

But how can you maintain a positive relationship with your users if they have no way of communicating with you? Simple: enable a feedback mechanism. Users are several times more likely to provide you with meaningful information if they can do so without limitations. As an app developer and owner, you need to always be in the loop of what your users think of your product and how updates have affected user experience.  This is critical for ongoing marketing your mobile app and keeping users engaged.

4. Implement In-App Pop-Up Announcements to Force Updates

Here’s where most app owners shoot themselves in the foot. After their app goes live, users discover bugs, developers patch said bugs, and life goes on. However, you can’t expect your userbase to constantly check up on iOS App or Google Play Store for updates. Instead, what you can do is force in-app pop-us, informing your users of recent changes to the app and forcing them to update. While “forcing” may sound harsh, here, it’s it lets them know that you’ve acted based on their priceless feedback.

5. Use In-App Pop-Ups to Encourages Users to Leave Ratings

Again, we have to rely on in-app pop-ups to enhance our marketing efforts. You’ve undoubtedly come across pop-up notifications practically begging you to rate the app. Even though most users on average tend to ignore these pleas, some do take the time to rate the app and leave honest (both good and bad) reviews. Remember: the more ratings you receive, the higher you’ll rank in the app stores.

6. Create a Website for Your App

It’s not enough that you’ve created an awesome app. You need to establish an online presence, so your userbase knows where to go to brush up on developments. Mobile app owners will need to create a website and optimize the landing page. The goal is to retrieve invaluable feedback from users, increase the app’s download count, and encourage engagement, possibly via newsletters.

7. Publish Demo Videos that Showcase Your App

An overwhelming number of digital marketers claim that videos provide positive ROIs. In fact, humans, as visual-oriented beasts, are 40 times more likely to share video content on social media, meaning that your users could actually be doing much of the marketing for you! Just stick to these video marketing secrets, and you should be able to whip up meaningful 30-to-60-second videos in no time.

8. Join Established Online Communities

Whatever niche or industry your mobile app caters to, you can bet that there’s at least one group on social media whose members’ lives are centered around it. For instance, if you’ve released a new fitness app, just search for “fitness and motivation groups” on Facebook. If you’re trying to introduce the latest and best coin collection software on the market, simply search for “coin collectors” or “coin club.” As long as your posts comply with the group’s posting rules, you should have an audience that’s eager to learn more about your app.

9. Attract the Attention of Media Journalists

Now, it’s time to reach out to those that can introduce your app to a broader market: media journalists. Setting up press release dates and pitching your app to media journalists is a great way of marketing your app and getting your app out there and without spending a dime. To get the greatest chance of having your app picked up by a media outlet, make sure you reach out to journalists whose following pays close attention to your niche. 

Final Thoughts

Even though there are countless other ways of marketing your mobile app, these nine tips should be sufficient in establishing the foundation to introduce your app to a wider audience. Hopefully, the tips we provided above will put you on the path to mobile app success or, at the very least, spur new ideas for how you can market your app and boost downloads figures.
