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5 Tips for Streamlining Your Blogging Process - Mike Gingerich

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5 Tips for Streamlining Your Blogging Process



Blogging is a valuable strategy for building a business. Whether the blog itself is the business or you use a blog to grow traffic to other services, Google ranks well-written, long-form content higher on the SERP. Many bloggers and businesses alike struggle to streamline and simplify the blogging process. This creates a tedious, cost-inefficient approach that often leaves the blog abandoned. However, putting the right steps in place can revolutionize your process from ideation to promotion.

Here are five tips for streamlining your blogging process.

Schedule Monthly Brain Dumps

One of the biggest challenges bloggers face is finding inspiration and overcoming writer’s block. This issue is especially challenging for full-time bloggers in the most profitable blogging niches, as it's often necessary to publish new content on a daily basis.

A brain dump is a fantastic exercise for coming up with new content and expanding on existing ideas. Setting aside time for a monthly brain dump is a great way to disconnect, reduce distractions, and let your creative juices flow.

Start by preparing your workspace with Post-it notes and pens. Turn on some inspiring music, put your phone on do-not-disturb mode, and start a timer for 15 minutes. During this time, write down every idea that comes to mind — even if it seems stupid or irrelevant. Put each idea on a separate Post-it note, and keep writing until the timer goes off.

Once your brain dump is complete, organize the ideas into groups, potential posts, other content, and ideas to explore in the future. You may decide that monthly brain dumps aren't enough and may need to engage in this process weekly, or even daily.

Do Regular Keyword Research

SEO and keyword research is an integral part of the blogging process. Once you have your brain dump ideas, plug them in as seed words to a tool such as Ahrefs to find relevant content ideas. Once you have the keyword lists, incorporate them into your content.

Keep in mind that Google will penalize keyword stuffing. Remember to write for a human audience and incorporate keywords naturally.

Batch Create Your Content

Batch content creation is the key to consistent blogging. Rather than creating one post at a time, create a weekly time block during which you'll unplug from distractions and write numerous blog posts.

Don't worry about editing and fine-tuning during your batching sessions. The focus during this time should be getting those words on (virtual) paper.

Use Templates

Setting up templates for your content creation will take some time and effort. However, those efforts will be rewarded with the time you save creating and publishing each blog post.

Create templates for the blog post itself so that you can drop the content into formatted squares. Identifying that each of your posts will have an intro, four H2 sections, and a conclusion will help you frame your content during the batching process.

Remember to create templates for your graphics, captions, and other social media assets as well. The easier it is for you to drag and drop content, the more efficient this process will be. This approach also makes it easier to delegate to subcontractors or assistants over time.

Repurpose and Refresh

Once you have built a significant database of content, you can start to refresh and repurpose existing content rather than starting from scratch. For example, if you wrote a great blog post about social media tools last year, you can upgrade this piece and publish it as new content. Edit the existing article to include new platforms and target updated SEO keywords.

Repurposing and refreshing existing content helps maintain Evergreen content on your site. This effort will help you cut back on time spent creating content while capitalizing on your blog's core infrastructure.

Creating a successful blog takes time, effort, and consistency. With these simple steps, you can streamline your process and build a profitable blog.
