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5 Key Brand Marketing Tactics and How You Can Automate Them

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:- Marketing Marketing skills.

5 Key Brand Marketing Tactics and How You Can Automate Them



If you are a SaaS company, brand marketing must be your top priority. I can’t stress this enough.

Branding creates an identity for your business. It sets standards and makes you different from your competitors. It also establishes trust and loyalty from your customers.

Why is brand marketing for every business important?

Branding does not only provide a good or bad impression on your customers, it also enables your clients to know what to expect from you or your company. As Tom Goodwin puts it, a brand establishes a pattern of familiarity, fondness, reassurance and meaning in the minds of individuals.


Branding is expensive, that’s the reality. If you are not creative enough and you don’t know how to create your own, you need professionals on how to do it. From choosing the right name to designing the font, color, slogan, and design of your logo.

Carolyn Davidson, made the design swoosh for Nike, basically, it’s a simple check design, but the thing is everyone knows the design, when they see the logo, they know it is Nike. Initially, she was only paid 35 USD, it’s a small amount right? But fortunately, because of her design, the company hired her as a freelancer, they also gave her stocks in the company estimated at at least 1,000,000USD, and a gold and diamond ring featuring the swoosh logo.

So, how can YOU make a SaaS brand that stays?

You need marketing tactics. The right ones for your SaaS company.

But that does not stop there.

You also need the proper tools to automate simple and routine tasks so that you can focus on more important ones.

5 Key Marketing Tactics and How You Can Automate Them

If you are looking for some strategies to grow your SaaS, here are some important things you need to take note of.

1. Establish Your Brand

What is a brand? The term "brand" refers to a commercial and marketing idea that allows consumers to recognize a certain firm, product, or person. As a result, they assist in the shaping of public views about businesses, their goods, and products.

Establishing your brand is important in marketing. It will give your business a strong identity to attract customers, inspire employees and build trust from people.  Building a brand needs to be consistent and work hard.

Jeff Bezos says it is what other people say about you that you are not there. Meaning to say, it is your reputation. That is really important in a business.

It takes months or even years of hard work building your own because you are competing with the big and known businesses.

How do you do it?

First, research and learn about your competitors and possible consumers/customers

It is important to research how people or customers choose to buy from you or your competitors. You have to know their techniques and how they market their products so that you will have to make your move and innovate and make your products more interesting and satisfying for your customers.

Try searching your products from the net and analyze the competition in your area. Focus and personality are important. It is important that you set your characteristics and attributes for your brand and business.

Once you’ve established your target customers and studied your competitors...

...Decide on a business name.

This is the name you choose for your business and it WILL have a big influence on whether you will succeed or fail.

A poorly chosen name may not let you connect with your target audience. At its worst, you might face commercial and legal problems if you have not researched your business name properly.

Helpful suggestions for your game-winning business name:

  • Create an easy to spell names
  • Use names that carry meaning
  • Make your name catchy
  • Make sure that you are happy with the name

Once you have a name...

...Design your logo

A good logo has these attributes: It should be simple and practical but distinct. It must also reflect your brand. It could also have a hidden message in it.

Since it is the face of your business, a good logo makes a strong first impression on your customers. It grabs their attention. It will always be memorable to them when they see it.

Automation tools are greatly recommended in creating your brand and business. It will help increase the efficiency of marketing, save time and generate high-quality leads.
