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5 Best blogs for HTML | Konfinity

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The term ‘Web development’ refers to a set of tasks dedicated towards curating a website. It consists of all steps that are important to make websites from scratch. It talks about all the processes right from designing the website to implementing the code and then finally maintaining the end-product. A successful product of the web development process is a full-fledged working website that caters to the demands and requirements of the client.

The various tasks and sub-tasks of web development that we mentioned are undertaken by different kinds of developers who are specialised in different kinds of tools, technologies and programming languages. Mainly, there are front- end developers, back- end developers and full- stack developers and web designers in a web development team. You can have an in-depth analysis on web development and why you should start learning it in this blog.

The technology stack for web development has considerably changed in the past few decades. From collection of static web pages to visually attractive and interactive websites and web applications that are capable of storing, manipulating and accessing user data, the web development industry has come a long way. However, even in this age of innovation, one thing that has stayed constant is the significant role of HTML in the process of web development.

HTML is referred to as the foundational language of the web and rightly so because HTML is responsible for the basic structure of the web pages as it creates the skeleton of the web page. This mark- up language basically consists of tags and elements that helps in building a website or a blog from scratch. HTML is a crucial language and constitutes the basic structure of all modern websites out there. If you wish to or want to enter the world of web development, HTML is a mandatory language. Also, even if you are not interested in formally entering the world of technology as a web developer, HTML can still prove to be a useful language for you.

As mentioned above, if you want to make a career in the web development industry, HTML is a skill that you can’t afford to not learn. There are a number of options available on the web from where you can learn the different tools and technologies of web development and especially HTML. The place is bombarded with online tutorials, videos, blogs, books etc. If you are interested in learning and inculcating the skills of HTML through books, you can read this blog which would help you decide the best books for HTML.

However, blogs are the best way to learn a new skill and become proficient in it for a number of learners. Blogs have become the new way of learning any skill. These blogs are prepared by experienced professional contributors across the globe which help upcoming developers learn the complex nuances and roles of web development and make interesting websites and solve bugs as they occur. In this blog, we have talked about 5 best blogs for web HTML. We have put earnest efforts in deciding upon five best blogs for HTML. HTML is the foundational language of the web, however, it is not as easy to learn and develop as it sounds. If you are a beginner or even if you are a proficient developer, there would be times you would be stuck with some HTML code and just then blogs come to your rescue. We hope this list of HTML blogs help you in your journey as a developer by inculcating a strong foundational knowledge of HTML. Let us get started with our list of five best blogs for HTML.

  1. CodePen Blog

    CodePen is probably the most attractive blog that you can use to build, test and discover front- end code. It is an online community and a social development environment for testing and showcasing HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets that you create. As the name suggests, the users work by creating “pens”. Pens are basically sets of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. CodePen is like an online code editor along with an open-source learning environment where you get to read blogs and tutorials from other contemporary developers. CodePen is one of the largest communities for web developers and designers to show off their coding skills, build test cases, find inspiration and share your work with the community.

  2. Design Shack

    At Design Shack, learners get to explore a wide compilation of hundreds of articles, tips, and inspiring collections on website designs and templates. Design Shack, like most of the blogs on this list, is not a dedicated blog towards HTML, it consists of a wide range of topics including web graphics, layouts, mobile navigation, software trends, UX Design, tips and tricks of designing and editing tools and more along with the basics of web development like HTML, CSS and Javascript. Design Shack is like a magazine for creative heads, designers and developers. Design Shack is perfect for beginners and also for skilled developers who are looking to sharpen their skills in the field of web development and web design.

  3. Smashing Magazine

    Smashing Magazine is probably the most familiar and popular web development blog amongst learners. The reason behind its success of this blog is that is regularly updated with blogs, news from the industry and opinionated content on topics relating to HTML, CSS, Javascript, UX and UI design and other tools, technologies and languages on web development. If you are specifically looking for articles on basic coding, you can find many posts that covers the concepts of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as general web design and developer tools. Smashing design has a host of experienced developers and designers as contributors who regularly share their knowledge with the community. Smashing magazine is popular for publishing their content almost everyday about latest developments in the world of technology and hence it is worth to bookmark this blog for regularly polishing your knowledge and making yourself a proficient developer.

  4. OnextraPixel

    OnextraPixel, popularly known as OXP, is more like a web design blog. It has a rich repository of some really useful blogs and articles that covers a wide range of topics in field of web design and development. OXP covers a wide range of topics that caters to the need of young developers as well as experienced professionals. From some useful HTML5 tips to a new jQuery library to quirky design trends, you will definitely get some useful content on web development. The broad categories mentioned on this blog is inspiration, design, graphics, CSS and freebies. OXP is like a digital playground for learners and technocrats like you. A blog like OXP helps you keep updated with the latest trends along with some of the best content from the world of web development. The content of OXP is as interesting as it sounds along with a good, easy to use user interface. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, OXP is a good blog that you should follow.

  5. The David Walsh Blog

    David Walsh is a popular technocrat, he is a Javascript consultant working for Mozilla. He hosts a widely known and popular blog that talks about everything on web development and software engineering. The David Walsh Blog covers a wide range of topics on programming languages and tools, such as HTML5, CSS, jQuery, PHP, JavaScript and many more. If you are serious about making a career in web development then as mentioned above HTML would be an essential skill and The David Walsh Blog is the perfect place to be to learn the basics of web development. Apart from tutorials and blogs, the user interface of the blog is also very well designed which keeps you captivated while learning HTML and other web development languages, tools and technologies. David Walsh gives blogs and articles that are industry relevant and all the latest tips and tricks of HTML that are used by IT companies are present in this blog. If you want to learn HTML from an industry professional, David Walsh Blog is the perfect choice!

This was our earnest effort in curating a list of 5 best blogs for HTML. There is a plethora of online resources and especially blogs that does a good job in inculcating the basic as well as industry related trending skills of HTML. In the world of online videos and tutorials, blogs are a great way to learn HTML or any skill for that matter. We have prepared a of 5 best HTML blogs, however, each and every person is different and we strongly suggest you to do your own serious research instead of blindly following the 5 best blogs for HTML mentioned in the list above.

Blogs are a great way of learning a skill and they come as a great help when you are stuck with a bug while developing a website or web application. However, if you are serious about making an attractive career in technology and especially web development, you should think about enrolling yourself in a professional web development course. The main benefit of such course is that they encourage you to make projects that are industry relevant and hence help you make a strong portfolio that is in turn going to help you get a job as a web developer in your dream company. However, there are umpteen courses available out there and the onus of choosing the right one is on you.

One such professional course that makes an earnest effort to help you make a luvrative career is Konfinity’s Web Development Course . This course is a well-researched training course developed by experts from IIT DELHI in collaboration with tech companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft. It is trusted by students and graduates from IIT, DTU, NIT, Amity, DU and more.

We encourage technocrats like you to join the course to master the art of creating web applications by learning the latest technologies, right from basic HTML to advanced and dynamic websites, in just a span of a few months.

Konfinity is a great platform for launching a lucrative tech career. We will get you started by helping you get placed in a high paying job. One amazing thing about our course is that no prior coding experience is required to take up our courses. Start your free trial here.
