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4 Supply Chain Entities | SCM Globe

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 Supply Chain Entities

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Supply chain models and simulations in SCM Globe are composed of just four types of entities: PRODUCTS; FACILITIESVEHICLES; and ROUTES. Combinations of these entities create a supply chain, and their interactions are what drive supply operations.

1. PRODUCTS — things in demand at various facilities
2. FACILITIES — places where products are made, stored, sold or consumed
3. VEHICLES — mechanisms to move products between facilities to meet demand
4. ROUTES — paths taken by vehicles to move products between facilities


[See more detail about our supply chain modeling and simulation logic.]

Create/Update Entities in the Edit Screen

Define the four types of entities in your supply chain, and drag/drop the resulting icons to place them on a smart map (Google Maps). Place them where they actually are in real supply chains, or put them where you want them to be in new supply chains. This creates a mathematically rigorous supply chain model without you having to get into all the math (we do that for you). To see how well this model works, click the “Simulation” button on the Edit screen.


Simulate Supply Chain Models in the Simulate Screen

Click the “Simulation” button on the Edit screen, and a new browser tab opens up showing your supply chain model in the Simulate screen. Click the “Play” button to run a simulation of your supply chain and see how well it works. Vehicles move on their routes, and onscreen displays show graphic and numeric data as the simulation plays out. The simulation data can then be downloaded to spreadsheet templates for further analysis.


We are glad to provide a free evaluation account to instructors, students and supply chain professionals interested in exploring SCM Globe simulations — click here to request an account — Get Your Free Trial Demo

SCM Globe uses a map-based user interface to provide a clear geographic context for you to understand the simulation results and not get lost in the details. The goal is for you to see the detailed simulation data within the big-picture context provided by the map of your supply chain (see more about user interface design here – User Interface for SCM Globe).

Produce P&L Reports plus KPIs 

Once you get your simulation to run for 30+ days you can download the simulation data to a reporting template and produce monthly Profit & Loss reports plus key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the example shown below (see Analyze Simulation Data). These reports help you spot areas for improvement in your supply chain, and serve as an objective measure to compare the effectiveness of different supply chain designs. Modify and adjust the four entities as needed to get the best performance from your supply chain.
