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30 Leadership Qualities that make Great Leaders | Marketing91

Hitesh Bhasin
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30 Leadership Qualities that make Great Leaders

August 31, 2021 By  Tagged With: 


Leadership quality is the quality of leading others. Leadership is the method of social influence where one person supports and leads the other members in accomplishing a goal or task. The ability to guide other people is a mixture of many things like communication, problem-solving skills, and many more.

Table of Contents

What are the leadership qualities?

Definition: Leadership qualities are defined as the abilities of an individual or a leader to inspire, influence, guide, motivate and enable team members, employees, or others to achieve associated goals.

Leaders inspire people with a vision for the future. Leadership is about the formation of teams that are coached or mentored by leaders to achieve a goal. Leaders need a solid set of leadership qualities, from running a venture or leading teams in the office.

These qualities can positively and effectively help for interaction with employees, clients, and team members. No one can implant leadership qualities, but people gain leadership qualities by learning and teaching over time.

What Qualities Make a Good Leader Great?

For having leadership qualities that can make you a great leader, you need to comprise a balance among business foresight, management, performance, and character.

Leadership qualities like integrity, vision, courage, humility, awareness, focus, strategic planning, cooperation, team building, etc make a leader into a great leader. Such leaders apply these characteristics in their regular lives.

Great leaders also lead by example that makes them earn the respect of their followers. Let us now delve into some of the key leadership qualities for being a successful leader-



30 Leadership Qualities of a Great Leader


Some of the qualities that make a leader good leader are

1. Vision

Great leaders have great vision. Leaders must have clear ideas of what is going on and what to accomplish in the future. Strategic planning has to be the best quality of a leader. Leaders with vision are farsighted.

Vision is the quality that helps in distinguishing managers and leaders. Visionary business leaders are hard-working who remain updated with the changes and time. An effective leader leads everyone and makes everyone invested in the method of achieving a goal.

2. Courage

Courage is one of the most important leadership attributes. Possessing the quality of courage means the willingness to take all kinds of risks in achieving the goal without assurance of success.

Without embracing risks, success doesn’t come. Leaders never feel afraid of anything. Courage is the basis of several other leadership qualities.

3. Integrity

The leaders must possess the core attribute, which is integrity. Honest leaders get success when they adhere to their aim, words, values, and vision. Integrity is the best value that is needed to achieve a goal. The nucleus of integrity is truthfulness.

A strong business can not run if it lacks integrity. Great leaders always need to refrain from making void promises along with taking shortcut methods.

4. Humility

Humility makes leaders real. It is considered one of the most valuable good leadership qualities that effective leaders must possess. Humbleness with the team makes a leader relatable. Humble leaders always help ventures and employees to grow in the market.

For serving people, it is humility that works—leaders with humbleness transform but never dominate people and are much aware of strengths and weaknesses.

5. Strategic Planning

Great leaders have a good understanding of strategic planning. Leaders need to look ahead, introspect, foresee something with precision where the industry is heading. Best leaders have about the latest trends, in advance of competitors. Leaders can think critically regarding the focus and goal.

Leaders expand an understanding of the opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses of an organization and team. Therefore, strategic planning is one of the most significant leadership skills.

6.  Empathy

It is seen that strong leadership is based upon empathy. True leaders need to understand people’s dreams, hopes, motivations, and problems. It can help in creating an interpersonal connection with followers. The leadership skills get strong by empathy are:

  • Feeling secured and safe
  • Creativity
  • Emotional connection
  • Identifying requirements
  • Collaboration and negotiation

7. Communication

Communication skills are remarkable qualities to possess that helps the leader to interact with followers genuinely. Great leaders require speaking as well as listening to followers. Leaders are fine orators who select expressions and words to express ideas.

Some tips of effective communication for remarkable leaders:

  • Constant communication
  • To be direct and simplify
  • Listening and allowing inputs
  • Vowing with actions

8. Creative or innovative

Leaders need to be creative enough and must always be open to new discussions and ideas. Leaders embrace new ideas as well as welcome fresh ideas from other people.

Leaders influence others to ponder out of the box. Creative thinking is needed to change the perception of the world and that is why the important qualities of creativity and innovations are the foundation stones of great leadership.

9. Honesty

It is necessary for the leaders to be honest, especially for the followers. Honesty has a positive impact on performances. Honesty with the team and organization is vital for effective leadership.

Honesty calls for trust, and if faith is there, tasks can be done quickly. All the famous leaders are honest with everyone.

10. Adaptability

The quality of adaptability is very vital for leadership. When a situation or environment needs and calls for some need, flexibility works; everyone should remember that not every time, everything goes according to the plans and strategies.

Great leaders are always prepared to cease and again restart new ways of action. A flexible attitude inspires people to adapt to any place.

11. Optimistic

To enhance positivity and bring the best from the team needs a positive outlook. Leaders have to be optimistic in behavior and approach to take responsibility and fulfill that efficiently

A remarkable leader knows and believes in the group, which can build trust and lead to success. A pessimistic outlook never brings success but only demoralizes people.

12. Accountability

A great leader has to be accountable and responsible for actions and words. All responsible leaders can establish aims and targets with clarity.

Accountable leaders always focus on the future and realize the errors. So accountability attaches to people and is a commitment to perform.

13. Patience

There is no shortcut to success. Every great leader knows it. Good leaders understand how to take the large view, whether it’s planning or aim.

Leaders must never be frustrated or stop in the middle of the action but always have patience in achieving the goal.

14. Improvement

For leaders, there is no way to stop somewhere. Perfection is just a myth, according to the leaders. There is always room for improvement on every step, from the personal to the teams and organization.

Leaders always ask for the development of new skills and improve to grow as a whole. Identifying new areas is vital for leaders and followers too.

15. Knowledge about technology

In this digital era, the world requires tech-savvy leaders. Leaders must understand the basics of technology and social media for sustaining. The decisions and strategies have to be guided by technology to make everything easy and time-saving.

Most of the companies throughout the world are adopting digital media. It is helping in growing exponentially along with the time. So at this point, every business leader needs to boost technological skills for making the best decisions and sustainability.

16. Ethical

Ethics in leadership became so vital that it stemmed from its leadership style known as ethical leadership. It is one of the most significant traits of successful leaders.

An ethical leader creates a fair environment in the organization without compromising their morals and philosophies. They establish the organization’s values and set a standard of model behavior.

17. Resilient

Leading through smooth seas does not define the success of a leader. It is only while facing a crisis does one uncover the potential of a leader.

Resilience is a solid leadership quality that allows a leader to get back on their knees irrespective of the number of times they fall.

18. Problem solver

Leaders should be problem solvers by nature. If this does come naturally to you, then you should focus on critically analyzing your decisions. Collaborating with your teammates can also help you gain insights on how to tackle problems.

Another step to solving problems effectively is to evaluate risks and decide the acceptable level of risk to gain the best payoff.

19. Motivated

A leader needs to be highly self-motivated to achieve their personal goals and the organization’s goal. A highly motivated leader can inspire others to be motivated as well.

It is possible to turn motivation into a habit rather than a mood, and a leader strives to do just the same. That is why being motivated is one of the inevitable characteristics of good leaders.

20. Active Listening

Active listening is a quality found in good leaders. They listen to others with great attention that helps them gain insight and multiple perspectives.

To develop this skill, a person must practice and focus more on listening to what is being said than forming their reply to the same.

21. Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is found in many great leaders as it is a good thing for a person to know their ability and competence. These leaders are self-assured and can rely on themselves.

They know they can take charge of activities in the organization and make timely decisions.

22. Delegation

Good leaders can delegate effectively. This ability is essential to running the business’ daily activities and that is why it is considered one of the crucial leadership skills.

A leader is an extremely busy individual and cannot be concerned with the functioning of day-to-day activities. Mindful delegation can improve efficiency as well.

23. Decision-making Skill

Great leaders are decisive people who believe in taking timely decisions. They know that, at times, they need to make tough decisions and are prepared to do so.

They know their decisions can make or break a business and are mindful, tactical, and strategic when they take their decisions.

 24. Fair Attitude

A good leader is a fair individual. They are not susceptible to being biased. Being fair is considered the very first attribute of a good leader.

They are fair to their employees and do not favor any employee over others. With a fair and good leader, organizations do not face biases for the in-ground or out-group members.

 25. Inquisitive

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. As a result, curiosity is an appreciated quality in leaders.

An interested individual will always look for new and innovative solutions to tackle problems.

26. Self-Discipline

A good leader is goal-oriented and promotes a culture of discipline in the organization. They practice self-discipline and have good time-management skills.

With persistence, such a quality can be cultivated. No excuses can be applied to this. They reinforce necessary behavior and habits in the organization’s environment.

27. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to understand and keep a check on their feelings and emotions and do the same for others.

Good leaders are aware of their own emotions and build strong relationships with others in the organization.

28. Passionate

Good leaders are highly passionate individuals and enjoy their work. They work tirelessly towards achieving their goals and inspire and invoke passion in others.

Their infectious attitude improves the work ethic of others. They can elevate the productivity of everyone in the organization and help achieve their shared vision.

29. Loyalty

Leaders know that loyalty is a highly necessary quality that needs to be reciprocated, just like respect. There are tangible ways through which a leader shows their loyalty to their members.

They are loyal to the group members by offering them all the necessary resources and training they need to succeed, and in return, the employees do their job well.

30. Self Awareness

Being self-aware is one of the effective ways for leaders to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This helps them in empowering their leadership style to be more authentic.

Self-awareness helps a person to know who he or she is and how they can do their best work. Being self-aware will enable you to pave your own path of leadership instead of following any fixed path and set parameters.

5 Don’ts of Being a Good Leader

Given below is a list of things that every good leader doesn’t do-

1) They Don’t Put Things Off

No leader is a procrastinator. They like their work to be finished on time, and they do everything essential to make sure they are punctual. A real leader knows that every second is an opportunity and makes the best of it.

2) They Don’t Dismiss Others

Good leaders are prepared to listen. They encourage others to participate and give space for external creativity. They do not rely wholly on themselves but allow others to work on their ideas and concepts.

3) They Don’t Get Disheartened

Great leaders take every setback as a challenge. There is nothing that puts them down. For good leaders, their goal is the most important thing. They do not let misfortune, mistakes or any impedance hold them back.

4) They Don’t Rely On Luck

Good leaders believe in hard work. There is nothing they leave up to the luck of fortune. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have faith or aren’t optimistic; it only means that they believe in helping themselves. If there’s anything they can achieve by themselves- they do it!

5) They Do Not Neglect Themselves

Great leaders never turn obsessive about their work to the extent that they start neglecting themselves. They know that their physical, mental and spiritual health is essential. You cannot achieve anything unless you have your well being and health in order.   

5 Do’s of being a Good Leader  


1) They Get the Right Support

Good leaders do not act entirely by themselves. They know the importance of getting support and delegating work. Good leaders have the right crowd around them- be it friends, family or work associates- they surround themselves with positive people.

2) They Aren’t Afraid Of Making Mistakes

Good leaders are daring and adventurous. They believe in taking chances when it comes to the right opportunity. If they make a mistake in the process, they take additional steps to make up for it. They do not shirk from action under the fear of making an error.

3) They Seek Good Advice

Great leaders know that they are not perfect. Frequently they need help and guidance from people who are more experienced or skilled. A good leader always has an idol in mind from whom they take inspiration.

4) They Show Gratitude

Good leaders are good people at heart. They rely on others and appreciate them on their excellent work. They do not forget the role that every person has to play in their lives- be it their own superior or the person driving them to work!

5) They Listen To Their Heart

Great leaders know how to follow their inner voice. They trust their instincts and subconscious while they finished a chore or a task. They are not afraid to develop their own heart and vision.

How to Develop Leadership Qualities and Be a Great Leader


For developing leadership qualities, organizations can use different training and development opportunities like on-the-job learning, mentoring, virtual coaching, leadership development programs, etc.

Individuals can also learn and master leadership skills by going through resources and training programs. For developing leadership qualities, some of the skills you should try to incorporate are-

  • Take Initiatives
  • Critical Thinking
  • Listening Effectively
  • Motivate Others
  • Discipline
  • Constant Learning
  • Know-How to Delegate
  • Handle Conflicts, etc

What leaders should never do?

Along with the aforementioned qualities of a good leader, there are a few things that leaders should never do- as they are considered negative qualities. Let us have a look at those as well-

  • Acting inappropriately or exhibiting behavior that you would not expect from your teams
  • Failing to set clear goals
  • Insulting or degrading people
  • Failing to take decisive actions
  • Giving praise too easily
  • Not holding regular meetings with their subordinates
  • Acting tough or lacking empathy


Now, it is clear that leadership qualities are crucial for empowering leaders to be able to lead, motivate, contribute, and inspire teams or employees to accomplish their individual as well as organizational goals.

It is important to understand here that every leader can not possess all these leadership qualities, but having a constant desire to learn new leadership qualities to move ahead on the leadership path is quite important for sustainable growth.




