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2D Animation Software | Animate Everything Online

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Animator skills play an important role in the creation of a video game, a movie or a television show. Animators are artists that create animations, special effects, etc using computer softwares and electronic tools.

An animator is an artist who creates multiple images, known as frames, which give an illusion of movement called animation when displayed in rapid sequence. Animators can work in a variety of fields including film, television, and video games. Animation is closely related to filmmaking and like filmmaking is extremely labor-intensive, which means that most significant works require the collaboration of several animators. The methods of creating the images or frames for an animation piece depends on the animators’ artistic styles and their field. (Wikipedia)


An animator not only creates animations, he has to give its characters life and for that he needs to be very talented, to be creative, to master technical skills, the art of movement and other skills that you will discover further.

Some essential animator skills that I think every animator should have are:


Technical animator skills


To give life to the characters, an animator needs to combine the artistic skills with practical skills. It is very important to have strong drawing skills because it is easier and faster to sketch your ideas on paper. Also, an animator needs to understand how the body moves and to be aware of the 12 principles of animation. Technical animator skills include audio/video editing and cutting-edge softwares like Adobe Flash, 3D Studio Max, and more.
