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13 Customer Service Skills for Banks |

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13 Customer Service Skills for Banks

May 27, 2021






By: Indeed Editorial Team

Good customer service professionals are patient, caring, attentive and positive. In the banking industry, providing excellent customer service is important because it can help you retain customers and provide more value. If you work as a bank teller, manager or customer service representative, then you may benefit from learning which skills can improve your customer service. In this article, we explore what customer service is, share why it is important in the banking industry and list 13 skills that can help you provide excellent customer service.

Related: 17 Career Paths in Banking and How To Choose the Best One for You

What is customer service and why is it important?

Customer service is the support you offer your customers while they use your products or services. If you work at a bank, customer service may involve advocating for your customers so they can achieve their financial goals, helping them select the right products and services and assisting them with financial decisions. Bank tellers and customer service representatives also help customers make transactions, deposit and withdraw funds and process loans. Providing quality customer service is important in the banking industry because it makes customers feel valued, helps you meet their needs more effectively and improves your overall customer retention.

Skills you need to provide customer service for banks

Here are some skills that can help you provide excellent customer service in the banking industry:

Industry knowledge

Whether you are a bank teller, manager or customer service representative, having an in-depth understanding of the different banking products and services your business provides is a key factor in providing high-quality customer service. Familiarize yourself with all of your bank's offerings so you can answer customer questions accurately and help them make the best financial decisions based on their needs. Here are some products and services your bank may offer that you can familiarize yourself with to improve your industry knowledge:

  • Checking and savings options
  • College savings plans
  • Individual retirement accounts
  • Business, personal, home and auto loans
  • Safe deposit boxes
  • Certificates of deposit
  • Tax and estate planning
  • Lines of credit

Related: Top Bank Teller Skills: Definition and Examples

Interpersonal skills

Having exceptional people skills can help you build trust with your patrons and provide excellent customer service. While finances can be a sensitive topic for many people, using your interpersonal skills to connect with your customers can help you build trust with them. Your customers may have personal questions about overdraft fees, loan applications or mortgage processing. Offer clear and concise explanations, provide them with options and work with them to find the solution that best fits their needs.

Read more: Interpersonal Skills: Definitions and Examples

Technical knowledge

Technology in the banking industry is always changing, so it's important to stay up to date on the latest systems, features and digital programs your institution uses to ensure you can provide efficient customer service. As an employee in the banking industry, you may also need to teach customers how to use new tools like online banking, remote deposits, mobile applications and ATMs. Offer to demonstrate how different pieces of technology work to ensure your customers are comfortable with these updates and understand how they may benefit from using them. This can help your customers adapt to change.

Effective communication

As an employee in the banking industry, being able to communicate complex financial information in layman's terms is an important skill because it can help customers understand their options. Take the time to explain banking terminology to your patrons and pause throughout your conversation to ask if they have any questions. You can also familiarize yourself with challenging banking topics to ensure you understand the material and can answer your customers' questions thoroughly. Some key topics your customers may have questions about that you can study include:

  • Calculating interest rates
  • Comparing loan products
  • Recovering from identity theft
  • Understanding overdraft protection
  • Deciphering credit scores
  • Using online and remote banking options

Read more: Communication Skills for Career Success


When a customer comes to you with a financial challenge, showing them you are empathetic and understanding of their situation can help you diffuse tension and communicate more effectively. Listen to your customers' concerns and let them know you are happy to work with them to find a solution. Then present the options they have available and answer any questions they may have. This can help you create a more positive experience for your customers.

Attention to detail

Paying close attention to detail can help you ensure you provide your customers with accurate information and make the correct updates to their accounts. It can also help you identify potential issues before they happen so you can protect your customers' financial assets. Finally, being attentive while listening to your customers can help you ask the right questions to get the information you need to complete their requests in a timely manner.

Read more: Attention to Detail: Definition and Examples


As a customer service representative, patience is an important skill that can help you provide a positive experience. Your customers may have several questions about the products or services your institution offers and they may ask you to repeat instructions multiple times to ensure they understand their financial options. Remember that it is important for your customers to feel like they are making safe and financially sound decisions. Remain personable and answer their questions clearly to keep the conversation on track. This can help you ensure your customers feel valued and like they have all the information they need.

Conflict resolution skills

Good customer service professionals work with their patrons to overcome challenges and develop effective solutions. If a customer approaches you with an issue, take the time to fully understand their situation and what their desired outcome is. This can help you identify what steps you need to take to help them solve their problem. Showing your customers you are happy to work together to develop a solution can make them feel better about their situation.

Read more: Conflict Resolution Skills: Definition and Examples


Being a dependable employee is important because it allows you to build trust with your team members and customers. When you agree to help a customer or complete a task for them, make sure you follow through. For example, if a customer asks you to process a mortgage for them, ensure you submit their request in a timely manner. This can make customers feel like you are reliable, improve their overall experience and help them reach their financial goals.


Making sure your patrons feel welcomed and valued can help you ensure they remain customers for life. Greet your patrons with a smile and a positive attitude to make their banking experience more enjoyable. You may also try to get to know your regular customers by asking them about their interests, hobbies and weekend plans while you process their requests. This help you build rapport with your customers, develop stronger relationships and provide patrons with more personalized service.


Responding to your customers' inquiries and service requests in a prompt and efficient manner can help you show you value their time. If a customer needs help overcoming a challenge, responding to them quickly can help you decrease their level of stress, diffuse any tension and make a positive impression. You may also reach out to customers proactively if you notice a significant change to their account or have important information to share. This can improve your communication with customers and help you build trust with them.

Active listening

Actively listening to your customers can make them feel heard and understood. Make eye contact with patrons and allow them to fully explain what their needs are before offering suggestions. You can also repeat an important part of their question back to them when you provide an answer to show that you are listening to them. This can help you establish common ground with your customers and ensure you are aligned with them moving forward.

Read more: How To Improve Your Listening Skills

Decision-making skills

Good customer service representatives help customers evaluate their needs and offer individualized recommendations. By providing your customers with information about the different services and products your bank offers, you can help them make important financial decisions. Familiarize yourself with the benefits and features of different offerings to improve your decision-making skills and provide guidance to your customers.
