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10 Tips to Become Successful with Network Marketing

Tian C
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10 Best Tips to Achieve Network Marketing Success


 Tian C


March 23, 2019




Network marketing is more popularly called ‘Pyramid Marketing’ and it’s a concept where you run your own agency, sell products, grow, and recruit more members along the way. You even train them and take a tiny commission. The dream of every network marketer is to get full-time benefits from part-time work and although we’re not saying it’s impossible, it does take work.

10 Powerful Tips to Succeed in Network Marketing

Interested in networking marketing? We’re glad you stopped by. Here are 10 powerful network marketing tips for guaranteed success that smash those business goals and get you the results you want.


1. Be Serious

Don’t treat it like a joke. Your business is your soul and not a mere hobby. It starts with the right mindset and if you’re willing to succeed, you have to be willing to make sacrifices. That means spending more time investing in yourself, networking with your industry peers, studying up on the latest trends and applying them. Because knowledge is useless without application.

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2. Don’t Treat Your Friends Like Business Prospects

Your friends could turn out to be your most valuable inputs or customers, but that’s a natural process and not one you want to force. If your gut tells you not to sell a product to a friend or pitch it, don’t do it. It only makes things worse and they can tell. Use your judgment and don’t blindly follow what your network marketing class tells you. Learn and tweak what you learn in a way that works for you.


3. Use Social Media

Social Media is like your ultimate marketing vehicle in the cyberspace and a proven kind of network marketing success formula. In real life, finding new team members to recruit can be difficult. But with social media, you could work your way towards building a dream team you want. Invest in paid advertising and actively connect with your audience so that you deliver value. Start with any two platforms and stick to mastering them – like Facebook and LinkedIn. Because you don’t want to be a jack of all trades and master of none when it comes to the digital side of your network marketing.



4. Invest in a Mentor

Investing in a mentor is a big YES. You want someone who has been there, done that and is still growing. Why? Because when you’re first starting out, there are a lot of things you’ll have to figure out. Mentors know that and they also know what it takes to cut through the clutter and get stuff done. It’s like achieving 80% results with 20% productive and focused effort. Want that? Get a mentor.

5. Have a Growth Mindset

We’ve talked about mindset above but here’s the difference with this one – it’s not just about being serious but having a growth mentality. What do we mean? You have to be positive even if the odds are stacked against you. You have to believe in yourself, not be afraid of failing, and keep pushing until you get to the point you want. Most people fail and give up when they’re on a losing streak. Be different and you’ll achieve what you want, is what we say.


6. Be Consistent

Consistency is the key to discipline and getting the results you want. You can be successful as a network marketer if you’re successful as a human being. There are many things out there that you have to learn about. But that won’t happen if you don’t stay consistent. The more consistency, the more results, and the more results, the more doors open up for you.

7. Use Automation Tools

From scheduling posts to sending newsletters, reminders and other MLM strategies for network marketing success, use automation tools in your network marketing efforts to free up time and get really productive. These days, things like Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, and social handle management suites make communicating with your prospects a lot easier. You’ll be saving time, making more sales, and the best part? You’ll be loving every minute of it.

8. Do Your Research

When you’re getting into network marketing, you have to make sure you sell products you are absolutely passionate about. Tie up with brands who have similar interests as you and do your research such as looking into the company’s compensation schemes.



9. Be Real

When you’re marketing your products or services, make sure you be real and stay real. Be genuine to your customers about what you’re offering and never oversell. Nothing turns away people from you when you advertise flashily or look desperate. Explain the pros and cons, show the good and the bad, and let people decide.

10. Prepare to Sponsor

While you let new recruits join in on the action, you don’t want to invite a huge crowd. Sponsor a select few who are trustworthy, mentor and train them in your products and services, and give them the environment to grow and thrive in.



Yes, you’ll be making a cut from the profits but it’s only after they succeed. The more they succeed, the more you win and the reality is, you’re actually helping them get off the ground and running miles.

Making those sales through network marketing is doable but only if you do it right. Take note of these above tips, use them to the fullest, and you’ll surely see results. And lastly, make sure to constantly keep learning and keep up with the trends. Learn from others’ mistakes and try innovative ways of entertaining and generating new leads. You want your marketing efforts not only to yield rewards but also to be fun.
