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10 Excellent Ways to Develop Interpersonal Skills at Work

Jesal Shethna*
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10 Excellent Ways to Develop Interpersonal Skills at Work

By Jesal Shethna

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Develop Interpersonal Skills at Work – It is rightly said that a smart business person is not just a businessman; he is a smart communicator too. He knows how to interact with other people and how to handle and solve all the issues by interacting.

Interpersonal skills are not only important, but they also show your ability to use every possible thing as a scope and resource. Lets know why are these interpersonal skills important, and how can you develop them?

Why are interpersonal skills important?

Know the rule and as a matter of fact, it is true that a person, who has deep interpersonal skills and who is able to make use of it both individually and in the groups, is way ahead when it comes to professional and personal lives.

With advancing technology, the world has become a compact place, and we have lost the good communicational skills, but the employers have known the importance of the interpersonal skills.

They look for employees with advanced interpersonal skills because, with these skills, an employee would be in a position to communicate efficiently with team mates, colleagues other staff members and most importantly clients.

At the whole level, these skills are very vital in deciding one’s career graph. Therefore, developing these skills is important if you want to be a leader in near future.

How to develop interpersonal skills?

Here are some ways in which you can develop interpersonal skills:

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  1. Have a positive attitude:

One of the major components of good interpersonal skill is the positive attitude. This is one component, which can display a whole lot of maturity in your talks.

It is also stated that if you display a positive attitude during work, then you are showing respect for your work and the organization for which you are working.

Portraying a positive attitude is being cheerful, smiling while interacting with team mates and colleagues. If you are greeting people cheerfully at your workplace, it is also considered as a positive gesture.

Also, appreciating the work of your colleagues, it is considered as an essential part of the positive attitude.

  1. Learn easy ways to problem-solving:

There are several people, who work hard day and night to take the organization at the great level of success. It is also noted that the occurrence of conflicts or conflict of ideology or ideas is a common occurrence in a workplace.

If you are also a part of such environment, you may tend to think about how fast you solve the problem or conflict, but the problem is this may not be the right way to think.

The best way is thinking of the ways to resolve the problems as it reduces the time, and you can solve it much effectively. Once you are done evaluating the ways to solve the problem, you must proceed further and apply all the solutions to the problem to solve it.

Set up the objectives and implement proper strategies. Once you have implemented the plan, monitor its success.

  1. Master good communication skills:

Perhaps the most important aspect of interpersonal skills. To convey your message effectively and to do so without creating any conflict in the best manner possible will do the job.

There are, basically, two types of interpersonal skills namely verbal and nonverbal communicational skills. The very basic aspect of communicating effectively is listening properly.

You need to listen very thoughtfully. “A good communicator is always a good and thoughtful listener,” a very old saying nails it right. Before giving your opinion if you have listened thoughtfully, you will know what you are saying and what the conversation is all about.

The very general idea about this aspect of interpersonal skill is that you may not avoid it at any cost because it is necessary for any profession.

If you learn the art of communication properly, then you are avoiding the conflicts, and you also increase your productivity with effective communication. Be it verbal or non-verbal communication, both the communications are important.

  • Verbal Communication: Verbal communication encompasses any form of communication, which involves words, be it spoken or written. The conversations, which we, generally, have with our co-workers, clients or bosses at the lunch, in a meeting. Verbal communication is a major aspect of the communication when it comes to interpersonal skills. You should not just only communicate, but you should also know the importance of communicating verbally very effectively and learn the art of conveying your message properly because to convey what you mean in the best possible manner is the best thing you can do to your professional as well as personal life.
  • Non-verbal Communication: It exists parallel along with the verbal communication. These two are the very powerful tools, and together they can change the whole lot of conception and perceptions. Non-verbal communication according to fact includes almost 60% of the total communication, which you have with anyone. Non-verbal communication includes many things like your body language, your face expressions, your posture and the way you make gestures while communicating. The sound of your voice and the tone in which you are speaking also tell a lot about your mode. So, you should also keep in mind these aspects. The clothes you wear and the way you carry yourself is also a part of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication includes following things:
  • Eye contact
  • The sound of voice and tone
  • Dressing sense
  • Body language
  • Posture
  1. Add Inclusiveness to your work dictionary:

You are working and not helping any secret services of your country, so instead of doing it all your way, learn to include all the persons, who are willing to work with you.

Talking and listening to the views of others is a great deal, you never know which idea may find its feet in your work and take it to the next level. Teamwork is always better than a work done individually.

If you co-operate, you get the co-operation back, and you must ask the inputs and opinions of your team mates and colleagues at your workplace. A social harmony is required not only in the society, which you live in but also at the workplace where you work.

You must push and opt for social inclusiveness before starting any project. This environment will help your cause, and it will only help you in both short and long term.

  1. Learn some managing tactics:

The work environment is not very different from other things, which you do in day-to-day life. Management is the very important attribute of the work environment and culture.

There are certain things, which may offend or provoke you while you are on duty, then should you react? Of course, no. So managing self and your emotions are the must for a healthy work environment.

Learn to control your frustrations and emotions effectively. Once you have mastered the art of self-management, you may learn to hide all the negative aspects very easily. If there are adverse conditions, you will have to hide these things to avoid any negative impact.

  1. Start taking responsibilities:

The one of the most vital interpersonal skills is taking responsibility and accountability. The two interpersonal skills are very important for overall performance and productivity.

If you have these two attributes, then you can do all the things with ease. You are trusted, your co-workers will love you, and they will bank on you. The one very important point of being accountable is that it helps in reducing tensions and conflicts between colleagues.

Take this example, accepting your mistake and promising it that you will keep these things in mind in future will solve all the problems because the blame game will only ruin productivity and your credibility, which may harm your future prospects.

  1. Don’t ditch your etiquette’s:

Oh! Well, this is not the thing you will have to learn separately because you have been learning them since your junior KG. If you have good etiquettes, undoubtedly, you are going to be the star of your office or workplace.

Different societies across the globe judge people according to the manners they have so do the employers. With the world being so compact, this thing may not be denied that etiquette’s have become the must-have part of interpersonal skills along with the other components and attributes. Especially in business to business interaction, it is very important.

  1. Develop social and general awareness about things:

The best part of an intelligent worker is that he is aware both socially and culturally. Here, culturally means the workplace culture you are part of. If you are aware, then you are surely identifying the possibilities and opportunities.

In a hurry to get success, in your projects, you may tend to avoid people, which are very negative. If you have this quality of being socially aware, then you are surely going to identify all the possible problems and solve them with ease.

Also, in a bid to be socially aware, don’t ignore the other attributes of knowing more than what you should know. Try to learn from every activity and social things happening around you to enhance your productivity.

  1. Don’t Complain:

We see people complaining about their work and office very often. Some people complain about their grumpy boss while others find their colleagues very unhelpful. This attitude of yours does not harm others as much as it harms you.

To develop interpersonal skills, appreciate more and complain less. Thank your colleagues for whatever little help they render to you and smile often to them. People love to associate and discuss stuff with a cheerful person.

It is one gesture that does not cost anything but makes the work environment very positive. More smiling faces and less frowning faces can light up your entire workplace.

  1. Become a bit more appreciative:

The best way to give your interpersonal skills a new high is to be a bit more appreciative towards the people who work around you. This has two positive results.

First, when you appreciate a helping hand someone lends you or a work someone has finished excellently, you are taken to be someone, who actually identifies the hard work, welcomes their contributions and praises them for it.

This way, if you need any help further in near future, they will gladly render it to you. Second, you add up to the positivity around you and by saying just a few words of appreciation, you add to the confidence of another person as well as boost your own interpersonal skills.

Apart from these main points, here are few more things that can be very beneficial in helping you develop interpersonal skills:

  • Be an Ardent Listener

A lot of people would love to interact with you if you would just show interest in listening to what they have to say. When someone is talking, try to be very attentive and really interested in what they have to say or express.

If they feel that you are actually interested, they might also like to come up to you with their problems and might want to know your views regarding something, which would further boost your interpersonal skills.

  • Pay Attention to Others

Whether it is your workplace or just a get together at home, the most important thing that connects people to you is when they see that you care and are, actually, interested in knowing what has been going on with them.

For instance, when you console someone in their bad times, it automatically lights up a green light in their mind in front of your name. Be attentive and know the goods and the wrongs going on with the people around you to add to your brownie points.

  • Try to Solve Conflicts

It is obvious that with a workplace that hosts so many people, there will be gossips, conflicts, and fights. To develop your interpersonal skills further, you need to be more of an angel than a devil.

Try to sort things out in the office in case of an argument and try to keep people on a good note with each other. The major thing to avoid is gossips as it can create a negative image of you in front of people.

Stay away from gossips as much as you can and never entertain anyone, who is involved in it either.

There are several changes in the world going on right now. Corporate leaders are acting more strongly and hiring persons, who can boost the productivity of their organizations.

When it comes to the productivity, it happens to be these interpersonal skills, which become the norm as if you have, for example, a very good communicational skill, then you can win a deal for your company with the help of this skill.

There are several other benefits too as not only professional but, to some extent, these skills may help you in enhancing your personal lives.

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