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Why you should develop your consultation skills - the evidence base for good consultation skills
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This video will give you some information about why you should bother to develop your consultation skills, based on what studies have shown us. It will also talk about the benefits of good consultation skills and the issues to avoid. - - - - References for your information - - - - Haynes, RB, Mon
This video will give you some information about why you should bother to develop your consultation skills, based on what studies have shown us. It will also talk about the benefits of good consultation skills and the issues to avoid. - - - - References for your information - - - - Haynes, RB, Montague P, Oliver T, et al. Interventions for helping patients to follow prescriptions for medications. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews 2000. Hardman A, Maguire P, Crowther D. The recognition of psychiatric morbidity on a medical oncology war. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1989; 33: 235-237. Stewart M, Belle Brown K, Weston WW. Patient-centred interviewing Part III: five provocative questions. Canadian Family Physician 1989; 35: 159-61. Cox K, Stevenson F, Britten N, Dundar Y. A systemic review of communication between patients and health care professionals about medicine taking and prescribing. London GKT Adherence Unit, King’s College; 2003. Barry CA, Bradley CP, Britten N, Stevenson FA, Barber N. Patients’ unvoiced agendas in general practice consultations: qualitative study. British Medical Journal 2000; 320: 1246. Britten N, Stevenson FA, Barry CA, Barber N, Bradley CP. Misunderstandings in prescribing decisions in general practice: qualitative study. British Medical Journal 2000; 320: 484. Stevenson FA, Barry CA, Britten N, Barber N, Bradley CP. Doctor-patient communication about drugs: the evidence for shared decision-making. Social Science & Medicine 2000; 50 (6): 829-840. Barry CA, Stevenson FA, Britten N, Barber N, Bradley CP. Giving voice to the lifeworld. More human, more effective medical care? A qualitative study of doctor-patient communication in general practice. Social Science & Medicine 2001; 53 (4): 487-505. Stevenson FA, Cox K, Britten N, Dundar Y. A systematic review of the research on communication between patients and health care professionals about medicines: the consequences for concordance. Health Expectations 2004; 7: 235-245. Nieuwlaat R,Wilczynski N, Navarro T, Hobson N, Jeffery R, Keepanasseril A, Agoritsas T, Mistry N, Iorio A, Jack S, Sivaramalingam B, Iserman E, Mustafa RA, Jedraszewski D, Cotoi C, Haynes RB. Interventions for enhancing medication adherence. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014; 11.