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OJT (On Job Training) - Human Resource Management l Asst. Prof - Radha Soni
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This video is about On Job Training and covers the following topics: OJT Advantages 1. Hands on experience 2. training at the actual job 3. new employer observe and try to imitate 4. learning while earning 5. less cost Types of on OJT 1. Coaching 2. Mentoring 3. Job Rotation 4. Apprenticeship 5.
This video is about On Job Training and covers the following topics: OJT Advantages 1. Hands on experience 2. training at the actual job 3. new employer observe and try to imitate 4. learning while earning 5. less cost Types of on OJT 1. Coaching 2. Mentoring 3. Job Rotation 4. Apprenticeship 5. Understudy Disadvantages 1. Lack of a well-structured training environment. 2. Poor Training skills of managers. 3. The absence of well-defined performance criteria.