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How to load data from aws s3 to snowflake | Snowflake tutorial
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Welcome to DWBIADDA's Snowflake tutorial for beginners, as part of this lecture we will see,How to load data from aws s3 to snowflake UseCase: How to load data from aws s3 to snowflake warehouse In this process below steps got involved Step1:Creation of flie format object create or replace fi
Welcome to DWBIADDA's Snowflake tutorial for beginners, as part of this lecture we will see,How to load data from aws s3 to snowflake UseCase: How to load data from aws s3 to snowflake warehouse In this process below steps got involved Step1:Creation of flie format object create or replace file format mycsvformat type = 'CSV' field_delimiter = '|' skip_header = 1; Step2:Create a Named Stage Object create or replace stage my_csv_stage file_format = mycsvformat url = 's3://dwbiadda'; create or replace table emp_information( Emp_no number, Emp_name string, Emp_sal number); Step3:Copy Data Into the Target Table copy into emp_information from @my_csv_stage/EMPDATA1.csv on_error = 'skip_file'; Step4: select * from emp_information;