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Guerrilla Marketing Weapon #4 - Follow-Up
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Michael Neuendorff, Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach, talk to you about Guerrilla Marketing Weapon #4, Follow-Up. Are you using it to your advantage?
533 Airport Blvd., Ste. 400
Burlingame CA 94010
United States
Hi! This is Michael Neuendorff, certified Guerill
Michael Neuendorff, Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach, talk to you about Guerrilla Marketing Weapon #4, Follow-Up. Are you using it to your advantage?
533 Airport Blvd., Ste. 400
Burlingame CA 94010
United States
Hi! This is Michael Neuendorff, certified Guerilla Marketing Coach and I'd like to talk to you about Guerilla Marketing Weapon #4 and that's follow-up.
Doing the sales process, there are generally steps along the way where you have to provide further information to your prospect, perhaps you need to provide them with a testimonial or a reference to a previously satisfied customer. there are different ways that you can show your prospect that you are great at follow up and when that opportunity comes up, you need to jump on it because follow up is a way that you can differentiate yourself from the competition. This is one of those guaranteed ways to grow your business, by improving your follow-up and once you do have that prospect converted into a client then still be really good at follow up. Make sure that they're satisfied with their purchase; check back with them after a short while to see if they need anything else. See if they might like to refer you to other people. Make sure they have information about new products and services. This all falls under the umbrella of follow-up. Use this Guerilla Marketing Weapon and you'll beat your competition and you'll grow your business.
This idea, you're going to say "it's as old as the hills" but stay with me. Stay with me because I'm willing to bet that you don't do it exactly the way that I'm going to share with you today.
Here's the idea said with a little story. You know I always like to start with a little story. Alright, so here's the story. Last year, I did a seminar. In that seminar, we're about 30 people and I was talking about social media and how you can use it to help grow your business. In the audience was one person who liked my presentation style -- liked my clear focus, my attention to the subject matter. I didn't go off on tangents so he thought "maybe I'd like to have this guy come and do some training for me." When it came down to fill out the evaluation form, he said "contact me about your services." I always make sure to contact those people. Of course, right? Follow up is big in the world of sales and you're saying "Mike I already know that. I already know the follow up." Okay but stay with. I followed up with this person. He wasn't interested at that time. He ignored my email. He ignored my phone call. So I thought "what's going on here? I thought you were interested in my services." Has this happened to you, where people say they want to learn more about your services but then they ignore your emails and calls? Like me, you probably just drop it, because you say "I've got other real prospects. I'm not going to continue to waste my time with you." But what do you do after that? Here's the thing -- a few months later I used my LinkedIn premium account which allows me to send email to this person. So I send him an email and said "hey a few months back we had exchanged a little email about maybe you being interested in my services. Would now be a good time to talk about it?" He wrote me right back and said "yeah, yeah. Send me some ideas." So then I wrote him right back with some ideas, the best ones I can think of at the moment. He wrote me back and said "I'm interested. Let's have a meeting." I went to his office, we met. I wrote up a little proposal, he liked it. We'd met again and voila, he said "I like it. Let's make a deal, Mike" and he said to me "you know what I appreciate, Mike? That you didn't give up. That you followed up with me again because the timing was good now. I was really thinking about doing this just lately and I could have looked up your number or your name, I don't know where your card is or your number. I could have called the organizer of that event from the seminar last year; I know I could have probably figured out who you were but I might not have ever gotten around to it. So I appreciate that you followed up with me."
So what's the bottom line here? Yes, follow up is important to sales people. You already know that but what you might not know or do is to dig back through the rejects file and follow up again several months later, after time has passed. Everything might change. Does it work 100% of a time? No. What if it worked just 10% of a time? These are free leads that you have in your rejects file. Dig through there, find some. Try it. If you have comments about trying this technique, place them in the comments below. If you have questions about it, place them below. I'll follow right up with you. If you'd like to subscribe to the channel, just click on the button up here because you got more tips coming your way soon. Thanks.