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Detailing and Design Ribbed slab using etabs tutorial
- Category: Architecture
- Sub Category: AutoCAD
Detailing and Design of One way Ribbed slab using etabs tutorial
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Detailing and Design of One way Ribbed slab using etabs tutorial
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Complete detailing and design of Ribbed RCC slab using etabs tutorial video
Detailing and Design of One way RCC slab using etabs tutorial
One way Ribbed RCC slab is a simply simply supported slab in most cases
One-way ribbed slab design and detailing using autocad
How to design 1 way RCC ribbed slab using etabs
Structural Drawing of ribbed RCC slab with joists
How to model Ribbed RCC Slab in etabs
How to draw one way ribbed slab in etabs
Analysis and design of Reinforced concrete slab with rib beams
How to calculate steel in Rcc slab with ribbed beams
How to calculate reinforcement in RCC slab with joists
Maximum positive moment in ribbed slab
Maximum negative reinforcement in Ribbed slab
Design strips in one way ribbed slab
One way ribbed slab design steps
Structural drawing of one way ribbed slab on AUTOCAD
Etabs tutorials for building design
Define material properties in etabs
Define frame Sections in etabs
Define Ribbed slab in etabs
How to extract reinforcement output from etabs
Calculate steel in ribbed slab using etabs tutorials
Finite element method for slab design
Equivalent frame method for slab design
Direct design method for rcc slab
Design of RCC slab using ACI code
Design of RCC Slab using UBC 97
Calculate shell stresses in RCC slab with ribbed beams
Main reinforcement calculation in ribs
Distribution Reinforcement formula for RCC ribbed slabs with joists
Fc’= 5ksi
Fy = 60Ksi
Floor Height = 10 ft – Single storey
Columns = 16” X 16”
Beams = 8”X24”
Center to center span = As shown
Live Load = 40 Psf
Super dead for finishes = 36 Psf
Calculate thickness of slab
Calculate rib’s dimensions and spacings
Design reinforcement
Detail the slab framing drawing
ACI 318-14 for design
Slab One Way OR 2 way
Slab Thickness Calculations
Calculate slab thickness
#etabs #RCC #engineering