10 Life Purpose Tips to Help You Find Your Passion
Quick Summary
If you want to be fulfilled, happy, content, and experience inner peace and ultimate fulfillment, it’s critical that you learn how to find your passion and life purpose. Without a life purpose as the compass to guide you, your goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you. How to Discover Your Life Purpose After working with more than a million people all over the world, I have come to believe that each of us is born with a unique life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take. They take the time to understand what they’re here to do – and then they pursue that with passion and enthusiasm. For some of us, our purpose and passion in life is obvious and clear. We’re born with a set of talents and through persistent practice, we develop our talents into skills. My children are prime examples of clear purpose. It was clear from the moment they got on the planet what they were interested in. One son wanted to draw all the time, and he is now in the art world. Another son was always tapping out rhythms on paint cans and dishes, and he’s now in the music world, along with one of his brothers. My daughter is in the literary world, and my stepson is definitely in the business world. My stepdaughter is also in the arts – she began singing and drawing when she was two. And my stepson is in the business world. He was making business plans and selling things to his friends by the time he was in middle school. They all had natural talents that were clear indicators of what they ended up ultimately being passionate about. For some people, though, it’s not as easy to identify a passion. You may even have asked yourself at one point or another, “What should I do with my life?” “What is my passion?” or “What is my life purpose.” Alternatively, you may enjoy what you do, but on deeper exploration, discover that you’re passionate about something altogether different than what you do.


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